The Ministry of Social Security and the unions UGT and Workers’ Commissions have reached this Monday an agreement in principle to reform the ministerial order that allows researchers to recover up to a maximum of five years for the calculation of retirement for those researchers and students who had been awarded scholarships in the past. The agreement tries to satisfy the possible beneficiaries of the measure, after a first draft that inflamed the spirits of the groups, by demanding the payment of 290 euros for each month that they wanted to recover.
In a joint statement, the union organizations point out that the ministry “has committed” to modifying the ministerial order, which comes into force on June 1, so they ask interested parties to, “whenever possible, “Wait to request it until the processing of the new regulation is formalized.” A process that, they point out, the Executive has guaranteed will be “in the shortest possible time” and “whose processing will begin this week.”
Social Security points out that it has “attended the requests of the social partners,” who had regretted that the first proposal was published in the Official State Gazette without the confluence of the unions or employers. Specifically, one of the main corrections of the department headed by Elma Saiz is that it will take as the contribution base for the special agreement the minimum base corresponding to the year in which the activity was carried out, instead of 2024. This will be 40 euros per month in 1980 to 140 in 2006.
It is not the only request answered. The ministry will allow five years of activity to be recovered, regardless of whether the beneficiaries had taken advantage of the special agreement that allowed them to recover another two years in 2011. In addition, people who need it will have four and a half years, until December 31, 2028. , to request the quote for the period and will have the possibility of splitting the payment up to double the redeemed period with a maximum of seven years.
“The improvements in the standard promoted by CCOO and UGT guarantee the reduction of costs of the agreement, maintaining its current legal nature and the strictly contributory nature of the figure. In the same way, the extension of the periods of time whose contribution can be recovered is pursued, so as to help complete the contribution careers of people who have developed for long periods different situations related to training practices and research scholarships. ”, celebrate the unions.
Furthermore, according to these same sources, the ministry would have committed to establishing “shortly” the Observatory for the monitoring and evaluation of the approved measures regarding contributions for non-labor practices, within the framework of the 2023 Social Security reform. These changes include the contribution of scholarship holders in unpaid internships since January 1, which have already benefited more than half a million students.
Source: www.eldiario.es