“The July 9”, the main avenue of Concepción del Uruguay, burst of people. From the head of the march you could not see the end of the column.

The flag summed up everything: “Neither dismissals nor salary reduction.”

The poultry workers and their families were going. Women, boys and girls. In the paths people applauded. The cell phones made torches on a heat night. For the temperature and anger of those who reject this attack of a millionaire company to their workers.

It is a rejection of the business attack. They want to force them to renounce their rights. That accept a salary cut and a “labor reform”. “I understand that they are acquired rights, but I want to buy them,” says Joaquín de Grazia, the owner of GTA. As if in this world you could buy everything. The life of the people, their muscles, their bodies, their dreams, the time with their families, the bread of their children.

But the workers said the factory assemblies. There they read the preventive of trout crisis that the company and the Ministry of Labor of the Nation invented. “Here we decided everything in Assembly, if the Assembly says is not no.” Cut

The mobilization is a great support for the fight just one day before the audience that will be held this Monday 24 in Buenos Aires. There will be the officials, the company, the Food Federation, the local union and the delegates. Then there will be an assembly in the camp that women support in front of the China plant.

About 5000 thousand people attended the call made from the labor skirt. For Concepción it is an important number. More when he tries and the CGT “were erased.” Instead there were many teachers, workers from other refrigerators, municipal, artists, students, social and political organizations. The Movement of Classist Groups was present with Obrexs of the Food of Mondelez and Georgalos (La Embóó), Teachers, Health Personnel, Railways, dismissed of Shell, Pilkington, VW and Procter, among others. Also with Nicolás de Caño, “the only politician who came to support us” as they said from the stage.

In the assembly they held on Friday hundreds of workers reaffirmed their commitment. “We told his proposal not. The salary is not cut and we want colleagues inside. If they have another that bring it. ”

Tres Arroyos is a witness conflict. It shows the attempt of the entrepreneurs to take advantage of the Base Law and the right -wing government of Milei to advance against the working class. But it is also the sample of how to resist: with assemblies, working unit, social support, hard measures, with families next to it. While the government is in crisis for its cryptophaws, it is a good time to say enough.

The march stopped in the “Civic Center”, where the Municipal Intendance and the Courts are. The song was born from the bombs side but spread to the end of the square. “The salary is not touched!” In the act the referent of the local Stia, Miguel Klener, took the word. The workers have been marking the union. They already made it clear that the assembly decides. Also one of the referents of the body of delegates, Maxi Zalazar, who claimed popular support, the unity they have achieved and reaffirmed the need to follow the fight until he wins.

News in development.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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