Last Wednesday, after the Chamber of Deputies validated the DNU with which the National Government intends to sustain the agreement with the International Monetary Fund, the quorum necessary to treat the extension of the pension moratorium was not achieved. That day, Nicolás del Caño (PTS-FITU) denounced the speculation of the ruling itself, which did everything possible so that this could not be discussed.
With the expired pension moratorium, more than 85% of workers of age to retire is condemned to not be able to access the basic retirement right. Only this year will affect about 242,000 people, although with particular impact on women. It is estimated that 90 % of women and 70 % of men will not be able to access a retirement when fulfilling retirement age.
Instead of the moratorium, the macrismo established the “universal pension for the elderly” (Puam), which implies only 80% of the minimum retirement, a practically miserable amount, and stricter access conditions. It implies, among other things, raising the retirement age of women at 65, and does not generate the right to pension. In Congress, opposition blocks such as the UCR propose a palliative measure that implies proportional retirements based on the years of contributions, a trap to further lower the amounts of the assets.
The IMF had previously pressed to eliminate these moratoriums. That pressure existed when the government of the Front of All recognized in 2022 the illegal indebtedness carried out by Macri in 2018. Now, what is being fulfilled is to advance on that path, within the framework of a more fierce adjustment, promoted by Milei and endorsed by its accomplices collaborationist in the National Congress: radicals, macristas and a fraction of Peronism.
The social problem that arises is evident. As Myriam Bregman pointed out in a recent interview, the mobilizations carried out on Wednesdays and retirees “will grow when the moratorium is over.” That is, the anger grows between older adults, already beaten by the set of adjustment.
Faced with this situation, other proposals arise, more than questionable. For example, those of deputies and deputies such as Danya Tavela (democracy forever) or Nicolás Massot (Federal Meeting) that propose a benefit that is proportional to the years of contributions.
According to La Nación, Tavela’s proposal is that of a “proportional benefit by recognition of the contributory effort”, which would reach those who have “contributed between 10 and 29 years” and would be equivalent to “70% of the universal basic benefit (PBU) with an additional 1.5% for each year of contributions.” The amount is really miserable: today the PBU is equivalent to universal basic benefit (PBU): $ 130,749.89. 1.5% equals $ 1961.23. That is, a person with ten years of registered contributions would charge just more than $ 150,000
Massot’s proposal does not differ radically: it proposes a proportional benefit equivalent to 85% of the value of the PBU, which would be added an amount to be calculated according to the years of contributions. All complex and absurd calculations, which generate confusion, without a basement in the life needs of retirees, nor in the current situation of the labor market and the pension system. The only objective is to present a “viable” scheme for the adjustment that the background is looking for and at the same time justify a story of “equity against the contribution made”. A hoax, oblivious to the contribution that the workers and workers do day by day, with paid, precarious, and unpaid work, inside and outside the home.
People who must resort to a pension moratorium are workers and workers who contributed to society working, but are invisible to public records. If the next people to retire do not gather 30 years of contributions as the system demands, it was not by choice, it is for having worked in informality or for having been in certain unemployed periods.
Moratory are just a palliative that do not solve the background problem due to their multiple limits. These ways to access a retirement, put the burden on the worker, to which they make him pay with a discount to his credit that is not really his responsibility but that of the companies that made fraud and that did not pay him the retirement contributions. Even that discount was undercover behind the lowest wages perceived for not being registered.
The underlying problem is that the pension system is definanced based on the interests of large entrepreneurs and the International Monetary Fund. In addition to the work fraud and the removal of employer contributions promoted by Cavallo and Menem, the growth of the monotax and the tax benefits to the companies must be added, such as the last money laundering that allowed the entrepreneurs to evade the taxes applicable to billions of dollars.
The retirees say it clear in their marches: “worker, we are notifying you that your retirement are giving it up.” All support for mobilization and claim of retirees.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com