The same government that says that “There is no money” To increase retirement or build bridges and routes spends fortunes in all types of weapons for the so -called “security forces” such as the Federal Police, Gendarmerie o Prefecture.
Since he assumed Patricia Bullrich Its second management at the head of the Ministry of “Security”, a large part of those repressive supplies end La Libertad advances (with accompaniment of political “opponents” and media operators).
The leader of Left FrontMyriam Bregman He has just reported that last year Bullrich And its officials bought MILITARY FABRICATIONS STATE SOCIEDAD almost six thousand cartridges and tear gas grenades for a value close to one million dollars.
Several of those cartridges, called “harassment”, were shot on Wednesday by Federal Police y Gendarmerie contra The massive mobilization of retirees and retirees, soccer fans, the left and various organizations in front of the Congress. One of those shots, made by the Guerrero de Gendarmerie firstit impacted fully on the head of Pablo Grillothe graphic reporter who continues to fight for his life.
The brutality of Guerrero and its superiors, even violating every “protocol” of use of those weapons called “not lethal”, She is well documented. So much that, with the passing of the days, journalistic companies and Clarion y The nation They could not continue reproducing the story suggested by Bullrich and They were forced to deny it.
Obviously, to suppress those who face the adjustment Silver is left over. And cover -up too, since mercy y Bullrich They even refuse to separate and punish the murderer Guerrero. On the contrary, They claim what has been done for its subordinates, which includes The action of intelligence services in order to justify repression of “public opinion.”
Together with his colleagues from Center for Human Rights Professionals (CEPRODH), Bregman made an information survey provided by the own Ministry of National Security Regarding expenses in inputs for federal forces. The presidential lawyer and former candidate demonstrates What are the priorities and who are enemies of La Libertad advances.
At the end of July 2024, the Ministry led by Bullrich bought 5,875 cartridges and tear gas grenades a Military manufactures. It was via “direct hiring” (without tender) and the transaction was made In dollars.
The purchase order (which he accessed The daily left) carries the number 347-0007-OC24 and was executed by the General Directorate of Administration of the Ministry of Security. The acquisition process began on March 25 and was completed on July 23.
Of the 5,875 tear gas units that the ministry bought Military manufactures3.895 son shotgun cartridgescalibre 38mmidentical to those who left the skull to Grillo. The rest are Hand grenadeswhich are also used against social protest, as seen in several mobilizations last year.
Each of those ammunition was paid U$S 169that is to say $ 183.872 (taking an official dollar to $ 1,088). The total expenditure was U$S 992.875equivalent to $ (Always official dollar). If one takes into account that in March the minimum retirement (with the bonus of $ 70,000 frozen for a year) barely reaches the $ 349.000what was spent on tear gas equals 3,095 of those assets.
The shot of two cartridges of that tear gas is worth more than a minimum retirement with bonuswhich perceive 7 out of 10 older adults. A credit that, above, is increasingly further than the basic basket of retirees is worth, estimated today at $ 1,200,000 by the Ombudsman for the elderly.
Excerpt from the contractual document Order 347-0007-OC24 of the Ministry of Security with Military Fabrications
You can take another example that nakes the true concerns of the scammers mercy, Bullrich and company. On Wednesday another of the victims of repression was Beatriz Blancoan 81 -year -old retiree who was violently thrown to the ground by a cash of the Federal Police. The pepper gas tube that carried the repressor has a marking price of $ 250.000almost the same as a minimum credit.
And Pablo Grillo He would not have ended at the hospital, hypothetically that Wednesday could have “sold” part of his production of the day to media such as Clarion, Infobae o Page | 12how do reporters all the time freelance. According to the tariff of the Association of Graphic Reporters of the Argentine Republic (ARGRA)for that registry, just over $ 80 thousand would have gained (provided the acquirer does not resort to the naturalized “negreo” with which the journalistic companies work). That is, half of what he paid Bullrich by the cartridge that broke his skull. A more than perfect metaphor.
Less lethal weapons?
Grenades and tear cartridges used by federal forces can have two types of gas. One is the “CS”of “tear effect, highly irritating, vomitive and diarrheal”, supposedly “non -toxic on the skin”; The other is the “CN”of “tear effect and intense stinging on the skin”, with probable toxicity. In the sales leaflet, Military manufactures He says that the gas is dispersed “in the form of a dissuasive, continuous, uniform and dense smoke,” attacking “the respiratory tract, the skin and the nervous system.”
The aluminum tube that hit the head of Pablo Grillo stomach 22.5 centimeters long and has a 38 millimeter diameter (The caliber). Weight 300 grams And, released by a shotgun, has A range of up to 180 meters. The distance between the shotgun Guerrero And the photographer did not exceed 60 meters, that is, the tube hit him at the most powerful and fast moment of his route. A mortal weapon.
Cartridges released in repression, shown by Argra | PHOTOS RED APPROACH
Human rights organizations around the world have been denouncing the indiscriminate use of tear gas by governments against populations. A report from Amnesty International states that “these weapons are called ‘Less lethal’ Instead of ‘non -lethal’ because, although they are not designed to kill, there is the possibility of having lethal effects. ”
That report adds that “in practice, police forces They use the tear gas of ways for which it has not been conceivedoften in excessive amounts against mostly peaceful protesters or shooting the projectiles directly against people”The case of Pablo Grillo It fits perfectly in the second of those variables.
The possibility that Bullrich and their rabid dog dogs make use of their gases, canes, rubber bullets and other supplies is inversely proportional to the mass that the mobilizations reach which is sought to repress. The threat of preventing a new demonstration of retirees and retirees on Wednesday can and should be neutralized.
As happened in 2024 with the university mobilizationsor the February 1 against the macho and homolesbotransphobic speech of mercy in Davosor the March 8 on International Womenthe more we are in the streets the faster the criminal desire for the repressive forces commanded by Bullrich. That is why this Wednesday, There is another honor appointment Together with our older adults against Congress.
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