Sandra Pettovello, friend and official of Javier Milei, continues to receive questions. This Monday she had a criminal complaint, where she is accused of being part of an illicit association. In addition, she is strongly questioned by the scandal raised around the massive withholding of food and products that should have been distributed in soup kitchens and humble neighborhoods. For this reason, since the Chamber of Deputies is asking for his interpellation.

The severity of the criticism of the official grows with the hours. Pettovello and his ministry completely illegally retained 5 million kilos of food and products which were destined for soup kitchens and humble neighborhoods. They did it at the same time launched a furious persecution campaign against social organizations. When the news of these withheld products became known, the scandal broke out.

However, The official has already failed to comply with Judge Casanello’s court order which required him to present a scheme to begin the distribution of those products. He should have done it on Friday and, however, until this Monday there is no distribution or plan.

In Pettovello’s defense Leila Gianni, former Sergio Massa activist, came out to speak, who now holds a position at Inhuman Capital. Also a former official of Juan Cabandié, she came out to question the magistrate for being a “militant judge.” She is not the only official who comes from Peronism in Milei’s management. A report by the resigning Nicolás Posse – former Chief of Staff – indicated the figure of 1,867 officials who remain in office, applying the fierce adjustment underway.

At the same time, Allegations of corruption within the Ministry of (In)Human Capital grow who heads In this case, it is due to the execution of irregular contracts that would benefit government officials and even legislators from the ruling party.

Pettovello was denounced together with the former Secretary of Children, Adolescence and Family, Pablo María de la Torre – recently fired from the Government – and the director of the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), Luis María Scasso. The complaint was filed by the civil association Arco Social – which presents itself as fighting against corruption – and is for illicit association, diversion of funds and payment of bonuses.

This has as a background the irregular hirings that became known in recent days. This complaint affects not only the official but also national legislators and deputies. Among those who would have benefited from this type of contract would be the national deputy Santiago Santurio and the provincial deputies. Agustín Romo and Nahuel Sotelo.



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