A “large public company” capable of “building and managing housing” to respond to the housing emergency of thousands of Spaniards. That was Pedro Sánchez’s big announcement this Sunday during the closing of the 41st federal congress in Seville in which he was re-elected as general secretary of the PSOE in a conclave with hardly any internal opposition.
In his speech, the President of the Government launched a call to resist the ultra offensive, a message of hope for the future and a task: to recover the territorial power lost in the last municipal and regional elections that gave way to the formation of “governments”. denialists” of PP and Vox.
“Our main priority will be to win the municipal and regional elections of 2027 and return to govern throughout Spain. We are going to work hard to bring progressive change in 2027 where there are denialist governments today. Because we are facing a decisive decade in which it will be decided whether the Welfare States continue to grow or are cut again,” he said.
Sánchez has urged his party to resist the offensive of the “right-wing and far-right international” and has assured that he is willing to take a step forward again despite the doubts he went through. “I must admit that in recent months I have thought a lot about what to do with my life. Step aside? Take a step back? As you can imagine, I have talked a lot with my family about this. They, like all of us, are also victims of the hatred of haters. The decision is that, if there is anything to do now, it is to take a step forward. Not to the side or back, but a step forward. “I have more desire, more enthusiasm and more strength than ever.”
The President of the Government has dedicated a good part of his speech to the self-defense of his Executive, his party and himself from the attacks of PP and Vox, which in recent months have intensified mainly in the judiciary. “You might think that if they attack us so much it is because they feel strong and see us weak, but it is just the opposite. They harass us because they know that the PSOE has become a reference and a bastion of hope. That success of ours is what terrifies and angers them. That is the reason for all his attacks and frustration. They do not forgive our victories. But, above all, they do not forgive us that we are governing better than them,” he maintained.
Without expressly mentioning it, the re-elected general secretary of the PSOE has referred with harsh words to the management of Carlos Mazón as president of the Valencian Generalitat during the management of the DANA. “Climate change is such a resounding truth that it should be unquestionable. Because it is based on science and because it is already under our noses. It is obvious to everyone except those who have the indignity to look the other way. Not because of ignorance. But out of interest. They are the ones who failed to rise to the occasion during the worst natural disaster that has hit our country in decades. In fact, they were not even at their jobs.”
Pedro Sánchez has also dedicated part of his speech to trying to raise the morale of his party in one of the most delicate moments of his Government due to the fronts opened in the courts, some due to corruption scandals such as the ‘Koldo case’, and others due to the political strategy of the right and the extreme right, which he has pointed out. “They harass us because they know that the PSOE has become a reference and a bastion of hope,” he claimed.
In the midst of the conservative and reactionary rise that is sweeping Europe, the United States and other countries in the world such as Argentina, the president has defined his political project as the progressive beacon that resists. “There was a time when Spanish socialists looked at the Central European and Scandinavian social democrats with admiration and envy: we dreamed of emulating and bringing their policies to Spain; their freedoms; its public services; their social mobility. Today, Spanish socialists no longer look outside for inspiration. Today we are the inspiration for others. We no longer copy the policies that others make. Today we are a pillar of social democracy in Europe and in the world.”
Faced with these policies, he has drawn “a conservative international and a far-right international that collaborate and support each other, reinforced in turn by a broad network of companies, media, digital tabloids and agents of disinformation that work at their service with the sole objective of knocking us down. Defeating them will not be easy,” he defended.
The president has warned his militancy that what is to come will not be easy. “I know well that they are going to hit us. That they are going to slander us. I know that they will raise even more the revolutions at which the mud machine already works, and that they will mobilize the entire right so that, as Aznar said, whoever can do, can do. But the injustice and virulence of their attacks will only give us more strength. They have renounced the debate of ideas and their only project is hoax and defamation. There they are; us to achieve higher levels of social well-being for the majority of people,” he concluded.
The general secretary of the PSOE and president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has obtained more than 90% of the support of the delegates of the 41st Federal Congress of the party to ratify his new Executive, in which he maintains María Jesús Montero and Santos Cerdán as numbers 2 and 3 respectively and does not introduce major changes beyond the incorporation of Pilar Bernabé, Government Delegate in Valencia, replacing Ana Redondo, the Minister of Equality.
Source: www.eldiario.es