This morning, a large gathering was present at the doors of Anses, in the center of Rosario, to denounce the layoffs and the adjustments that the national government has been carrying out on the workers of the national public administration. In the Enacom Pullaro offices, he orders the deployment of the police to evict the workers fired by Milei.
In the rest of the country, many facilities were surrounded by security forces to prevent the entry of their workers. ATE estimates that there are more than 11 thousand layoffs, of which more than 850 belong to Anses.
The action carried out was decided in a joint workers’ assembly of ATE, UPCN, Apops and Secasfpi, to which ATE Rosario joined, becoming an important act against layoffs, the first joint measure of all the unions with representation in Anses . Workers from former Social Development, Conicet, Pami, and many other organizations participated. Many workers pointed out at the event the need to give continuity to the assemblies and unitary actions.
Participating in the day were Amsafe Rosario, Banking, Siprus, the Press Union, Conicet, retirees in struggle, the provincial deputy Eduardo Toniolli, the councilor for Rosario Norma López and the representative of the Left Front, Octavio Crivaro, who in turn is worker at that agency in Anses.
Very important day against layoffs in Anses and throughout the national public administration. unitary act of @ATERosario @secasfpi @upcnansesprensa y @SomosApops at the gate of Anses. Unity and fight plan to face attacks. pic.twitter.com/QncL2utpel
— Octavio Crivaro (@OctavioCrivaro) April 3, 2024
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com