More than a million children and adolescents go to bed without eating because they live in homes where, even though responsible adults have jobs, they do not have enough income to buy the basics: the foodThis is revealed by a report carried out by UNICEFin which other data are also highlighted.
– More than one million girls and boys skips a meal (breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner) due to lack of money. seven decade ten homes where this happens, The person in charge is busy and, among them, more than 60%, informally.
– Some 10 million girls and boys in Argentina eat less meat and dairy products compared to last year. In families, consumption of vegetables and fruits also decreased (58%), and only the intake of noodles and flour increased (24%).
– Three decade diez families had to resort to some I lend credit to buy food and more than half of households – where almost 7 million girls and boys live – had to stop buying some food due to lack of money.
Those responsible for hunger
These figures, which appear in almost all media outlets, should be accompanied by other data.
1 – That the Government of mercy and its (In)Human minister, Sandra PettovelloThey are illegally holding thousands of kilos of food that do not belong to them, but rather to the more than 4,000 soup kitchens across the country.
2 – That despite the fact that the consumption of staple foodsespecially for minors, fell in recent months as the leche, The profits of businessmen in the sector increased and a lot. Why? You only have to go to the supermarket every day to know the answer. There is not much more.
Let’s look at some examples:
– Mastellone Brothers: owners of The Most Serene. According to its own report submitted to the National Securities Commission (CNV), had a net profit of $56.096 million in the first half of the year. The Most Serenenext to Sancor y Danone They monopolize the 75% of total turnoverWhat is remarkable is that these gains come in the context of a drop in consumption of almost 19.5% in the first 5 months of this year.
– Arcor: owner of chocolates, biscuits, jams, preserves of all kinds, among other products. It obtained net profits of 133,303 million in the first quarter of 2024.
– River Plate Mills: owner of noodles, yerba mate, flour, frozen foods, infusions, among other things. It obtained net profits of 35,358.
Without a doubt, both the Government and these businessmen are responsible for the hunger of our children. Many of them can now access some of the daily meals (not even all that they need) thanks to the efforts of the thousands of women who work in the soup kitchens and the solidarity of neighbours and workers in the neighbourhoods.
Of course, it is not only the food industry that earns millions. We only need to remember the electricity, water and gas bills that each of us receives in our homes to realise this. Since Milei took office, her policy was and remains clear: defend the interests of the big business sectors and destroy the income of the working class majorities.
We cannot allow this to continue. We must unite all the demands of the sectors affected by Milei’s brutal adjustment: undelivered food, unaffordable tariffs, salaries and pensions that are not enough for anything, layoffs, and all the demands of the working people.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com