As He told it in detail The Daily Left in April, when Patricia Bullrich presented a series of projects in the Chamber of Deputiesthe government of Javier Miley seeks to legalize a series of policies to reinforce police control over the most impoverished sectors of society and repression of the protest in the midst of the economic and social crisis that the country is going through (deepened by the program that applies the management of Freedom Advances).
Through four texts intended to become laws, the Executive focused its proposal on expand criminal categories and years of prison within the framework of what libertarian management calls “the fight against organized crime.” An overloaded punitivism that, especially in Latin Americahas already failed many times and did nothing more than deepen the criminalization of the working class and the popular sectors with high doses of violence, deaths and even disappearances carried out by the State itself.
Repress and fail, two verbs that Bullrich practice more than eating and sleeping. With that political-ideological perspective, the Government hopes that this Tuesday Deputies will give half a sanction to one of those projectspresented with the peculiar title of “anti-mafia”which at the beginning of August obtained a favorable opinion from the commissions of Criminal Legislation and of Home Security after being analyzed in three meetings. The original text bears the signatures of mercy, Bullrichthe Minister of Justice Mariano Cúneo Libarona and the former chief of staff Nicholas Owns.
Synthetically, according to the project, the businessman who lives in a country and launders the millions of dollars collected and a kid who acts as a “bell” in the corner of a street would have the same responsibility within a “criminal organization.” bunker in exchange for a “salary.” At the same time, it is even more empowered to “investigate” forces such as the Gendarmerie, the Prefecture and the Federal Police, closely associated with major crime.
It is so repressive that, in the same “illicit association,” there could be the country businessman, the “little soldier,” a medical cannabis grower, and a retiree who uses the oil produced by that grower. All with the excuse of “fighting drug traffickers and gangsters”, who ironically are always protected by the State itself.
Along with other projects related to “repetition and recidivism” -which already has a commission opinion-, “legitimate defense” for civilians and uniformed personnel, expansion of impunity for trigger-happy police officers and other issues; the “anti-mafia” law was harshly questioned in committee meetings both for specialized academics as for prosecutors, official defenders, human rights organizations y relatives of victims trigger-happy and state repression. Only a few expositors, linked to libertarians or hard-line governors, defended it.
He Left Front Unity y Union for the Homeland They opposed that project moving forward. However, the minority block of Freedom Advances obtained the accession of PROthe Radical Civic Union (UCR) and the pichettism that integrates We make Federal Coalition (some of that bloc signed in partial dissent). Thus, they achieved a circumstantial majority to issue a favorable opinion and submit the project for treatment in the facility.
It is marsin a special session, if the ruling party and the collaborationist opposition manage to gather the necessary votes, the project can receive half penalty.
In the last hours the sociologist, university professor and deputy of the PTS-Left Front Christian Castillo warned again about the danger What the possibility of these bills becoming law means for working people. This is how he summarized it through a “thread” of posts on the internet. X.
I OPEN THREAD – It is very serious what Bullrich wants to get voted on this Tuesday in @DiputadosAr. The same government that, through money laundering, is favoring money laundering, partly from illegal activities, is promoting a project that, with the excuse of fighting “crime…
— Christian Castillo (@chipicastillo) September 30, 2024
To Castillo “It is very serious what Bullrich He wants to vote this Tuesday in Deputies. The same government that with laundering you are favoring money laundering partly coming from illegal activities, promotes a project that, with the excuse of combating ‘organized crime’, creates a legal framework that would allow prosecute as a ‘criminal organization’ whoever the government wants define that way, including a jump in the persecution of social protest.”
“It is a rare law that never defines what is meant by ‘criminal organization’, leaving it open to persecute whoever it wants: a union, a political party, protesting retirees and whoever comes to mind,” he continued. Castillo. And he exemplified: “With this law the 33 protesters arrested on June 12 and then released by the judge Servini and the House could have been impeached for Bullrich y Stornelli of being part of a ‘criminal organization’, and thus having free hands to commit all types of arbitrariness and abuses, setting up cases against those detained for the mere fact of protesting or having passed by the place.”
The deputy of PTS-SEVEN details that “the law stipulates penalties of 8 to 20 years, even for those who did not commit any crime but belonged to the organization accused of being a criminal. It also establishes the power of the federal prosecutor in charge of the investigation and the Ministry of Security to establish special areas where a kind of state of siege would be imposed with detentions of up to 15 days extendable for another 15, which would also imply a de facto federal intervention to the territory involved and the possibility of chain raids e tapping phones and other devices without a court order”.
“In short, this law is an unconstitutional atrocity that they are going to apply without a doubt to criminalize social protest, because, as they have made clear, adjustment does not happen without repression,” he concluded. Castillo.
In May, before rotating his bench (as part of the agreements established by the parties that make up the Left Front), Myriam Bregman had already warned about these projects that were discussed in the committees of Criminal Legislation y Home Security. Your complaint resonated strongly and it was “raised” by various media and by personalities from politics, culture and human rights.
“To say that with this they fight organized crime is total demagoguery“, he stated Bregmanfor whom the projects “create a Big Brother under control of Bullrichpractically a state of siege”.
Even in one of the committee meetings, the representative He questioned the governor of Santa Fe Maximiliano Pullarowho has been fighting together with the national government in the supposed fight against drug trafficking in his province, especially in the region of Rosario.
Bregman he asked Pullaro “why is it not talked about the ports from which these shipments leave of drugs? Because it is evident that there is an increase in drug trafficking from those ports since they are under private control”. In what could be an unexpected confession, the governor agreed with the Trotskyist deputy: “I have many coincidences with what you say.” But at the same time evaded responsibilities apologizing that it is a problem that also happens “in other provinces and in other ports.”
As has been insisted since The Daily Left, mercy and his minions want legalize indiscriminate repression. The camouflage of the fight against “organized crime” cannot hide the desire to control and repress to a population that is growing frustrations y decay of their living conditions. Extremely criminalizing the most mobilized sectors is a condition sine qua non for the application of the adjustment “plan” Freedom Advances.
But the mafias are on the side of those who govern. The drug that comes from Rosario a Europa and other destinations does it with the endorsement of agro-export corporations that control everything legal and illegal that passes through their private ports.
Like human trafficking, smuggling of all types of products, drug dealing or car dismantling, no illegal business could function without direct participation of police, boss politicians, judges, prosecutors y penitentiaries. None of this can end if state forces are given more power and impunity and the punitive provisions of the Penal Code are reinforced. That is why the “anti-mafia” project of mercy y Bullrich should not be approved.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com