After President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s trip to China, with a stopover in the United Arab Emirates, this Monday, Brazil receives the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergei Lavrov. The program foresees that the diplomat will go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), in Brasília, and then speak to the press around 12:30 pm.
Lavrov will meet with minister Mauro Vieira, at the Itamaraty Palace. According to Planalto, the conversation will be about “the potential of the Brazilian-Russian strategic partnership”. On the agenda, prospects for cooperation in trade and investment, science and technology, the environment, energy, defense, culture and education. The information is from the MRE.

In an article in the Mexican magazine Divers, reproduced in other vehicles, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia commented on the situation in the world and spoke of Latin America in particular, in addition to Brazil. “The rapidly changing geopolitical landscape opens up new opportunities for developing mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and Latin American states,” he wrote.
Obstinacy of the West
According to him, “the countries of this region are playing an increasingly important role in a multipolar world order”. The chancellor noted that “the situation in the world remains extremely tense and continues to deteriorate in many respects”. The chancellor defends “that the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are strong, united in diversity, politically solid, economically stable”.
“The main reason – he said in the text – is the obstinacy of the so-called historical West, led by the United States, in trying to maintain global dominance and prevent the development and strengthening of new world centers.” Washington’s goal, according to him, is “to impose a neocolonial unipolar world order on the international community.”
With his visit, Lavrov will have the opportunity to closely assess Brazil’s real position in relation to the world order that Russia and China are building. At the end of February, Brazil was the only Brics country to vote in the UN General Assembly for the approval of a resolution demanding the “immediate withdrawal” of Russian troops from Ukraine.
The Brazilian decision was criticized by analysts, for going against the tradition of Brazilian diplomacy of equidistance in similar situations. More than that, Itamaraty was the only vote against Russia. China, South Africa and India abstained.
On his trip to China, however, president Lula gave several indications of his now apparent tendency to approach the two giants who are leading the attempt to change the geopolitical axis of the world towards the so-called Eurasia.
Russian exports to AL
According to Lavrov, despite the sanctions imposed on Russia and political pressure in the context of the Ukrainian conflict, total exports to Latin American and Caribbean countries grew by 3.8% in 2022 and shipments of fertilizers and oil products also increased.
“Both Russia and Latin America have their competitive advantages in the context of the objective processes of formation of a multipolar world order”, he stated.
Originally posted by Rede Brasil Atual
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Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/homem-de-confianca-de-putin-sergei-lavrov-desembarca-no-brasil-nesta-segunda-feira/