This Sunday, August 18, shortly before 10 pm, a strike began in BRIDGESTONE. It is accompanied by a demonstration on Route 4 near the Lavallol roundabout.
The union had called for the action in the last few hours, denouncing that “the Bridgestone Argentina company intends to destroy the working conditions and salaries of all workers. The illegal 452 suspensions, the fraudulent PPC, the pressure on colleagues within the plant, the threats of dismissals, are the preparations to unilaterally carry out modifications that brutally deteriorate the income and working conditions of all workers. The company knows that to do so it must divide us, so we must respond with decision and unity, as the only way to defend the improvements obtained, not fall into intolerable conditions and make sure that workers can look towards a future where our efforts are respected.” They also denounced the attitude of the Secretary of Labor.
“We are demonstrating in front of Bridgestone Argentina and, starting at 10 pm, we are STOPping so that the workplace does not become a place of humiliation and disrespect for each worker. We are STOPping for our colleagues, we are STOPping for our future.”
And the union, together with the workers, carried out the action starting at 10 pm. They broadcast a video from the place where Alejandro Crespo, general secretary of SUTNA, and Jorge Toledo, leader of the branch, were, which you can see here. There they denounced that the company calls the workers announcing layoffs and that they called for a strike to reject the flexibilization and any layoffs.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com