The murder of Fernando Gómez, 27 years old, at the hands of the National Gendarmerie in Salta, is a very serious event. It is the first case under the government of Javier Milei, in a repressive operation led by Patricia Bullrich. Fernando, a humble worker and father of three children aged 1, 3 and 10, was murdered on December 18 when he was transporting merchandise from Bolivia to Salta, an informal job from which thousands of residents of the region live due to the lack of other sources of employment.
After the incident, Bullrich and Governor Gustavo Sáenz tried to cover it up, falsely accusing Fernando of being a drug trafficker to try to justify the operation as part of the “Plan Güemes.” The murder generated a town in Aguas Blancas and Fernando’s burial was accompanied by hundreds of people demanding justice.
A national and international campaign is urgently needed to condemn this crime and demand justice for Fernando. Human rights organizations, unions, social movements and the entire society must unite. We cannot allow this murder of a young precarious worker to go unpunished. When the Bases Law was repressed, a forceful united response managed to deny the lies of Patricia Bullrich and the national government and was able to achieve the release of all the detainees. Today we must repeat that experience. And achieve the punishment of the material and intellectual authors of this crime committed by the repressive forces of Bullrich, Sáenz and the national government.
Fernando’s family, his friends and solidarity organizations such as the PTS and CeProDH promote this petition that we call on to sign and disseminate it to achieve maximum support.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com