Participation in the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia this Sunday, May 12, stood at 26.74% at 1 p.m., which represents an increase of 3.97 points compared to the 2021 elections. In total, 1, 4 million Catalans have already exercised their right to vote, of the 5.7 million who are called to the polls. The polling stations have been established without incident since 9 am.
It must be taken into account that the 2021 elections showed an unusually low participation figure, due to restrictions due to the pandemic, just as those in 2017 and 2015 had higher mobilization than usual.
By province, participation in Barcelona stood at 26.83%, in Girona 27.30%, in Lleida 24.92% and in Tarragona 26.62%.
In the map of provinces you can see how participation has increased in all territories if compared to 2021, but it does not reach the years with record mobilization, such as 2017 and 2015, nor 2012, a year more similar to what It is expected to be May 12.
By province, where participation increases the most is in Barcelona, followed by Tarragona, while Lleida is the province where it increases the least and also where the participation figure is lowest overall.
Source: www.eldiario.es