This Tuesday the Government announced the appointment of the new Treasury attorney, Santiago Castro Videla. In conference, the spokesman Manuel Adorni gave the news: “The Treasury Attorney, what he must do is defend the interests of the Nation. He is a lawyer specialized in administrative law and diploma in constitutional and procedural law.” It turns out that the main partner of the partner of the New official defended a vulture fund in the largest trial facing Argentina.
Castro Videal is a partner of Alberto B. Bianchi, a constitutionalist who supported the position of the Burford Fund against YPF in which they claim more than 16 billion dollars in the trial for the expropriation of the oil company. The fund had chosen Bianchi with Alejandro Garro and Alfredo Rovira as legal experts to declare about Argentine legislation, playing an “almost leading” role in the litigation.
The litigation continues and the Buitre fund is looking for how to charge that money while asking for embargoes against Argentina. Recently the United States justice ordered the government of Javier Milei (at the request of Burford) to deliver a report on the gold destination of the reserves of the Central Bank that Caputo mobilized last year to the outside. In addition, the American courts rejected an request from Argentina to avoid submitting guarantees in the trial, this implies that the country could begin to suffer embargoes from its assets abroad.
The detail in the curriculum of the new attorney was in sight and opened the controversy over conflict of interests. It is also not ruled out that Castro Videla has charged royalties for advising on the preparation of Burford’s trial against YPF.
Santiago Castro Videla, the new Treasury attorney appointed by Milei, is related to one of the funds that Litiga in the YPF trial, one of the most expensive facing the country. They are finishing everything. pic.twitter.com/zYpIkEYKOz
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) January 30, 2025
The trial has a first instance ruling where the American judge Loretta Pressa gives the right to the plaintiff, Buford Capital. This fund is dedicated to the purchase of the litigation rights of broken companies in the world and then begins with much larger sums, in Creole, a vulture fund.
Buford bought the rights that Petersen energy, Petersen investing energy and Eton Park had in the YPF company (25% of the shares), so it became part of the cause. If you get a ruling in your favor, the Eskenazi, former owners of these companies, would keep 30 % of the collection.
The second in the Attorney General’s Office, Andrés de la Cruz, is also involved in questions about the ties that linked it with the Petersen group, associated with the Ezkenazi family, but never excused himself. He worked for years as a lawyer for the Eskenazi in the Cleary Gottlieb study. Today of the Cross is in charge of litigating in favor of the State against its former clients, which will benefit from the result that Burford obtains. De la Cruz had been chosen by Economy Minister Luis Caputo as second of former Attorney Barra.
A Milei delivering government scandal associated with the great capital l ones linked to imperialism. It is necessary to remain alert to any possible attempt to deliver part of this government that seeks to deepen submission to the United States.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com