After weeks of two important strikes and hospital hugs, a plan of struggle was voted on at the assembly in which workers from different sectors participated. Next week there will be a 24-hour strike with a mobilization on October 2, when the university march in defense of public education will take place. It is the way to confront in a unified way the adjustment that Milei is unleashing against the working majority.
During the exchange, messages arrived from the assembly of residents of the Nation who defined the university march by concentrating at the hospital and stopping on the 2nd and 3rd. In the same sense, the Assembly of Residents of CABA resolved to call the hospital to unify the health mobilization that day and repudiate the threat of sanctions that residents of Garrahan who have been supporting the measures of struggle are suffering.
The conflict at the hospital has been going on for several weeks with two sit-ins and two 24-hour strikes without any response from the government and the authorities to the attack on the salaries and working conditions in which patients are treated. There are workers earning less than 600 thousand pesos and salaries have lost 36% of their purchasing power since Milei has been in power, a reality that leads to having several jobs to make ends meet and that highlights the unhealthy working conditions.
In this context, the assembly was marked by an important debate. The Association of Professionals and Technicians proposed to attend the university mobilization but made a motion against calling a strike on October 2. Among the arguments, they stated that carrying out a measure in the middle of the day against the veto of the budget for university teaching would take away visibility from the claims that have been made from the hospital. They also added “it is better to concentrate our forces on our actions.”
From different sectors such as self-employed doctors, nurses, residents of CABA or the Internal Board of ATE, the need to show that it is the same fight was raised, since health workers, education workers, aeronautical workers and retirees are those who are being hit by the government’s brutal adjustment. On the contrary, it is necessary to make the fight visible by striking with one fist against this plan that only promises more misery and cuts to public health, universities, schools, medicines that older adults receive, among many other examples.
As the government’s image begins to suffer, Bárbara Acevedo, a nurse from Adolescence and member of the Posta de Salud y Cuidados, said that the unit that is being built “is a huge political message for the government that is not being given by the union leaderships that are compromising with the labor reform, the law of bases and the DNU.” To which she added “this is what they should be doing, a great strike and a national plan of struggle so that no retiree has to fight while they are being gassed, so that no university student has to fight in isolation for the university budget.”
Finally, the assembly voted to hold a strike on October 2 and mobilize in a unified column with residents of the Nation, CABA and all those sectors of health and the community that want to join to strengthen the joint fight of all sectors that are suffering from the adjustment.
In turn, it was decided to deepen the measures and already prepare a 48-hour strike on October 8 and 9 to carry out a mobilization to the Ministry of Economy. Among the reasons, it appears that according to the 2025 budget project sent to Congress, the government is preparing even more cuts. This year alone, 45 annual Garrahan budgets were allocated to the payment of debt interest, health, education and retirees cannot afford the adjustment variable at the service of speculators and the IMF.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com