The tyre dispute is still ongoing. The companies are attacking the workers, with layoffs (FATE) and threats of more families being thrown out onto the streets in the three factories. They are promoting completely fraudulent preventive procedures, in the case of companies that have made millions.
The union has been rejecting these measures, which the national Ministry of Labour has now allowed to take effect. After holding an event at Bridgestone and another in Plaza de Mayo together with other sectors, they are calling for a rally this Friday at 13:00 at the Lavallol plant.
We reproduce the SUTNA statement.
Friday, August 2, 1:00 p.m.
Immediate entry into the plant of the 452 discriminated and illegally suspended colleagues.
Nullity of the fraudulent PPC, withdrawal of all threats of dismissals, labour flexibility and salary reduction.
The multinational requested the opening of the PPC with all positive balances, except the last one, which altered its result by means of a loan in dollars requested from its own foreign subsidiaries, taking advantage of its status as an international corporation, and basing the need to carry out layoffs on an alleged drop in exports, when its clients are also its own foreign subsidiaries, therefore, by its own decision. With this, it consolidates not only an attack with hundreds of layoffs and a threat of labor flexibility within the plant, but also the extraction of dollars from the country without producing any kind of income from them, posing a clear plunder.
The government, knowing this, endorses the fraudulent PPC, allows illegal suspensions, is complicit and supports the exit of dollars from the country, through imports, which are not counterbalanced by the entry of dollars through exports, impoverishing the Argentine working people.
This Friday, August 2, at 1:00 p.m., we call on all Bridgestone workers, SUTNA workers in general, and all labor organizations to demonstrate at Bridgestone Entrance “2” (on Colectora de Camino de Cintura).
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com