Hello, I’m Gabriel Ubieto, economics editor at El PeriĆ³dico de Catalunya. I am specialized in issues related to the labor market and from these pages I try to explain all those issues that may end up changing your payroll at the end of the month. Or your quarterly VAT return, if you are self-employed. Or his pension, once he retires.

Work is a central issue in the daily lives of the vast majority of people, both for those who have it and for those who don’t. In this newsletter I will summarise the main developments that may end up affecting your ‘end of the month’, from the changes that the Government may propose in its reforms, to how inflation evolves and how all this may end up affecting your income.

Every week, if you want, you will receive details of the political backstage and keys to understanding current events, removing the rubbish and warning about posturing that seeks to distract our attention. You only have to register as a user at www.elperiodico.com and activate my newsletter. I will try to point out interesting and exclusive content from El PeriĆ³dico that will not disappoint. And I will give you the official and unofficial agenda in advance, to ensure that you look where you, and not the parties, are interested in placing your gaze.


Source: www.elperiodico.com

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