The Deputies of the Front of the Left Unit They presented a resolution project at the Chamber of Deputies to express the repudiation of the statements of President Javier Milei.
In the text, legislators express:
– Repudiate the words issued by the President of the Nation, Javier Milei, in his social networks on January 21 that constitute an attack towards everyone who is considered left or progressive and against every democratic right by using qualifiers as “left -handed children of PUTA “, and threats like” We are going to look for them until the last corner of the planet. “
– Also reject his words in the Davos forum, on January 22, in which with a series of fallacious and violent statements, he attacked the rights of women and sexual diversities, denouncing the fight against racism, gender inequality, gender inequality, Environmental destruction and forced migration, among others.
– Alert about the danger of this type of expressions, since they enable physical attacks, as has already happened on several occasions, against any person or organization that expresses opinions or ideas contrary to those who want to impose the ultra -rightist government.
P Resolution rejection declares … by the left daily
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com