“I am the lion” Javier Milei may have shouted (singing is a lot) this Wednesday at Luna Park, but the cuddly kitten of economic power – as Myriam Bregman called it – looks increasingly weaker. Hours before the event to present his book, accused of plagiarism, the senators of La Libertad Avanza once again failed to obtain a commission opinion to put the Bases law to a vote.
The ruling party was forced to call for an interim period and it is expected that it will try to advance again next week. Something similar had happened yesterday with the treatment of the fiscal package, reaching the third week of treatment without achievements. The UCR and different provincial forces continue to question central articles of the project, so the negotiation remains open.
The May Pact will be forgotten since without the vote on the package of laws, there is no possible agreement with the governors. Even if an opinion is reached in the short term, approval would not be assured and if there are modifications they would have to be ratified in the Chamber of Deputies. The indefinite extension of parliamentary terms, the open conflicts in the province of Misiones, added to the mobilizations and strikes against the Government, account for the weakening of the Mileista administration, which is far from achieving consistent hegemony.
The difficulties in reaching agreements are not due to a lack of will on the part of the “caste”. The Government has officials from the PRO, from the UCR they offer themselves as drafters of Bills, those from Pichetto as mediators to add votes and from different provinces the Peronists who grant their “loyalty” to the president are joining. The problem is that Milei’s adjustment policies are colliding with resistance from teachers, health workers, industry, students, among others; that put limits on the claims of libertarians.
Even more so when the Bases law includes chapters as scandalous as the RIGI (Regime of Incentives for Large Investments) that includes conditions of submission – tailored to the large extractivist economic groups – that will only serve for the looting of the country and the destruction of the environment. Along with new attacks on retirees, loss of rights for workers and privatization of public services.
It is more likely that the government’s plans will be stopped in these circumstances, which is why it is essential that the union centers call for a strike with mobilization when the Bases law is put to the vote and continue that fight with a plan of struggle until the needs of the workers are imposed. the great majorities.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com