The GPS company, the main outsourced company of Aerolíneas Argentinas, laid off 40 workers within the framework of a plan to shrink, empty and privatize the flag line. These dismissals are part of this situation. The workers began to organize the resistance by launching a campaign to gather solidarity signatures and a fighting fund to face the fight. The first action will be carried out this Monday the 18th starting at 6:30 a.m. at the doors of Aeroparque on the Costanera Norte.
“The attacks on Aerolíneas Argentinas, within the framework of the government’s plan to privatize it, began with outsourced workers” the delegates denounce. In their press release they report the dehumanization of the company “They fired workers with children with disabilities, in psychiatric treatment and due to union persecution, leaving more than 40 families on the streets.” And at the same time they warn of the overall plan of the Milei Government “To this we must add the salary freeze in the workforce and the plan for 8,000 voluntary retirements that led a few weeks ago to a strike with the cancellation of almost 400 flights and the call for a new strike by aeronautical unions for March 28 and 29 ”. “The government’s plan involves thousands of layoffs and destruction of working conditions” and the workers are ready to face it.
The broad solidarity that began to take shape will materialize this Monday in the first street measure, then in repeated assemblies of GPS workers with the support of other unions, an open solidarity meeting with the attendance of dozens of neighborhood assemblies, student centers and unions of different guilds. The fight for “Aerolíneas Argentinas, not for sale” begins in this first battle for “Not a family on the street”.
Here you can add your signature:
And you can also contribute to the fighting fund:

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com