Myriam Bregman, national deputy of the PTS-Left Front and pre-candidate for president for that party, visited América 24. There, among other things, she debated the social, political and economic situation of the country. She also denounced the situation that occurs in Jujuy, where fraudulent maneuvers are growing in the face of the provincial elections next Sunday, May 7. Here we leave some of the most important definitions of it.
Among other things, he pointed out that “there is enormous discontent. The catastrophic experience of the Macri government is very fresh. The disaster of the Frente de Todos government is in force. There is a certain contestation of the political system. “The ruling classes, the de facto power has a lot to do with the rise of Milei. They quickly created this puppet of economic power. What is the motto? You can say what you want about political power, don’t mess with economic power”.
He also added, “I think it plays a role towards economic power. To those who have won the most. Because in this country not everyone lost. The Cifra Institute indicates that there was a transfer of $70 billion that was taken from wage earners and transferred to the most concentrated sectors of the capital. It is what you lack in your pocket. Milei comes to channel that logical discontent.
In relation to the responsibility of Peronism in the advance of the right, Bregman pointed out that “those who since 2017 said let’s stop, let’s stop, let’s stop, we don’t face the right anymore. They said ‘it’s 2019’, stay home, don’t go out. They arranged with the union leaderships to make the biggest iron in history, the biggest iron in history. They are only seen eating sandwiches at official events and at the United States Embassy. Elsewhere you don’t see a traditional union leader. All those who have made this situation passive have to take charge, they have to take charge of this arising ”.
Referring to the existing crisis due to the lack of dollars, Bregman pointed out that “48,000 million dollars, a little more than almost 49,000 are millions of dollars of trade surplus that Argentina had in recent years. The same companies that seized Macri’s money and fled it abroad, now they say ‘I must’ and they ask you for money again. It is a lack of control, a lack of control at the service of the rich. Here we do not all sink. The rich got richer.”
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com