The repudiation was stronger. This Tuesday, senators from different blocs began to discuss that They will reverse the increase that brought their diets to $9 millionThe figure is equivalent to approximately 30 minimum retirements.

However, even with this reduction, the members of the national Senate They will continue to collect around $8 million per month. That is, their monthly income will continue to be in amounts that are equivalent to dozens of times what the vast majority of retirees earn. This is a political caste that has millionaire incomesin accordance with its function of legislating based on the interests of big business and international financial capital.

At the beginning of the year, national senators received a salary of $1.9 million. With the new increase, the amount was now $9 million gross. That is, their income had multiplied by more than 400%.

On Monday afternoon it was announced that New increase that senators will receive. This was an increase tied to the increases in the Congress workers’ collective bargaining agreement. In line with the national public administration, the Congress’s collective bargaining negotiating committee agreed to an increase of 3.5% for July and 3% for August.

These increases come as a A real gift after approving the Law of Baseswhich includes a labor reform that attacks the rights of millions of workers, in the context of a scenario where the official adjustment policy pushes down the consumption and standard of living of the popular majorities.

These increases are also taking place in the context of a social crisis which means – it is estimated – that more than a million children do not have access to food that guarantees them a meal. A social situation that is worsening and is leading to different sectors of workers carrying out strikes and mobilizations, such as the teachers in Neuquén.

The immediate criticism from left-wing leaders questioned these increases. Myriam Bregman and Nicolás del Caño stated that public officials should earn “like a teacher” and that “With Milei, the caste is happy, while the working people are the ones who pay for the adjustment.”

Strong internal conflict within the ruling party

President Javier Milei took advantage of the news to stir up his own internal dispute with Victoria Villarruel, stating that “in this context it is more than a mockery, it is a betrayal of the working people.” As if he himself and Caputo were not the ones who are promoting the fierce adjustment against the workers’ pockets, or as if he had not tried at the beginning of the year to give himself a sudden 48% increase in his salary, a decision he backed off after the criticism.

The The vice president’s response came on Tuesday, with the call for Thursday’s sessionIn a message posted on X (Twitter), he wrote that he was calling for a “head-on and public” discussion about diets and thus put an end to “the overreactions that plague Argentine politics in all aspects.”

The internal conflict within the ruling party has been escalating in recent weeks. This tension has several precedents and shows how an internal conflict is growing, which, in the background, is due to the tension that is accumulating socially as a result of the current adjustment.


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