The scandal unleashed Friday night with the promotion of Javier Milei In their X, Instagram and Facebook networks of the Cryptocurrency $ Libra It generated a wave of repercussions in public conversation. In a few hours it was clear that the $ Libra was a scam armed to benefit a few, opening a mantle of doubts and questioning what until now was one of Milei’s assets: its credibility.
According to the consultant To this Between February 14 and 16, in the social networks globally they shot 3.5 million mentions to Javier Milei. Only in Argentina there were 2.5 million mentions in the same period.
The remarkable data of the relay is that the 63% of mentions to Milei were negative and only 31% positive which configures a record in the negative digital image of the presidential figure in their own strong terrain of social networks. The “Online Street” released his hand in this debate where the role of Milei linked to a scam was exposed. “The idea that the president was part of a scam and the debates about the political trial centralized the conversation,” says ad hoc.
That conversation had its continuity Monday and Tuesday after the interview in TN where more than clarifying the issue, the president was more involved and exposed. A few hours after the interview where he was very nervous, a video of Santiago Caputo Interrupting a question where Milei argued that he did that tweet as “citizen” and not “president”, mentioning that Cúneo Libarona, Minister of Justice, would have some role in following the judicial process against himself. That part was excluded from the edited video that could be seen on television, but the entire crude video ended up on the TN YouTube channel which resulted in a new scandal.

It is a turning point in nodal aspects of the government’s story and in particular of the figure of Javier Milei. With a president who for years showed on panels about his knowledge about the economy, to end up declaring that It was not internalized in the “details” of $ pound. Accusing journalists who question or criticize them as ensobiledto then show and edit the interviews it gives. That He speaks “against the caste” and is exposed to the open sky involved in a scam.
Esa Negative image has a social discontent from the background That in the last year he had all kinds of expressions: the anti -fascist mobilization convened by LGBTIQ+activism, the university march, the rounds convened by retirees, the neighborhood assemblies, the resistance of hospitals such as the Bonaparte, Posadas and Garrahan, struggles throughout the country against dismissals and salary recomposition, among others.
Facts that are only explained by the fierce adjustment that has been applying in complicity with the endorsement of Congress and union bureaucracies, and by the reactionary agenda of the ruling party attacking women’s rights and sexual diversity. A plan of magnitude that requires on the other side an opposition agenda that exceeds the proposals limited to justice and congress that they intend to take out all that anger from the street. That’s why, It is urgent that all that discontent with the postcard that stars the government during the last days, becomes facing that attack planwho wants to sink even more working and popular majorities to benefit a rich minority, trusting the power of all that mobilized social force.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com