The government of Javier Milei, Victoria Villarruel, Patricia Bullrich And his henchmen wants to rename March 24, adding the qualifier “Complete” At the end of the legal designation “National Memory Day for Truth and Justice”.
As if throughout these 49 years it would not have been clear that the maneuver of talking about “full history” is typical of the ultra -rational minority that actively He endorsed, justified, held, He collaborated and then honored The forced disappearances of people, torture in concentration fields, summary executions, the theft of assets of the detainees, the subtraction of hundreds of babies and children of their biological families and the replacement of their identities, and a long etcetera.
Not to mention Main objective of genocide: A phenomenal looting national wealth by the ruling classes (mentors of the coup) and the reinforcement of exploitation and oppression to working majorities through multiple mechanisms, some of which last in the form of laws, decrees never repealed and other institutional gadgets. Plan that could only be executed with A brutal repression of a whole generation of fighters and fighters That, from the 1969 Cordobazo, he advanced in the question of the capitalist system itself.
To “commemorate” the anniversary of the coup d’etat of 1976, the Executive Power went to an exponent of that conservative, ultra -right and progenocidal minority that in recent years gained visibility: the Cordoba politicalologist Agustín Laje. In a video of almost twenty minutes, with him as the only speaker, the Casa Rosada He decided to set his position on such a expensive date for the population.
Analyzing everything he says and, especially, everything that silence and hidesthe video serves to understand the “essence” of the thought of those who seek Not only was it in the past but to the nude.
Those who talk about memory and “complete” history are the ones who claim the genocide smoothly. AND Slab It is a faithful faithful exponent of those sectors, ultraminoritarios but have never lost intervention capacity in the public agenda. As he said Myriam Bregman“What the Government and the right call ‘complete memory’ is a concept that was decidedly planned and that, far from looking for ‘memory’ or ‘truth’, it seeks impunity. It is based on the idea that a war was developed in Argentina in order to conclude that, if there were two sides that faced, you cannot judge only one and aim at the close of the causes against the genocides.”
What the Government and the right call “complete memory” is a concept that was decidedly planned and that, far from looking for “memory” or “truth”, seeks impunity.
It is based on the idea that a war was developed in Argentina in order to conclude that, yes …
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) March 24, 2025
Whoever sees the official spot with a critical eye, anchoring the look in history, that that is built from generation to generation based on research, testimonies and data systematization (many transformed into accurate accusations into judgments for crimes against humanity), may not help but convince yourself that The Government is a catate of scammers throughout the line. And logically, you will have A new reason to mobilize this 24 For ours and our 30 thousand, because it was genocide and because the process of memory, truth and justice is far from concluding.
A fact adds forcefulness. Slab speak on behalf of the government of mercywhich at this point has already shown to base its “principles” and “values” on Lies, scams and all kinds of amalgams to create stories that are not supported in reality. Therefore, every thing that Slab He says is inevitably imbued with those “historiographic” methods. Equal to what they did Saw, Massage, Martínez but brings and company in Argentina. EITHER Hitler y Goebbels In Germany. EITHER Stalin in Russia, as part of its bureaucratic counterrevolution. Nothing new under the sun.
The complete memory and the truth that the government speaks is a new theory for impunity, such as war and the two demons. The truth is that we fight for is where are the bodies of our relatives and our appropriate brothers #Negationism pic.twitter.com/8lpAVSsf2D
– Alejandrina Barry (@Barry__ale) March 24, 2025
In the words of Bregmanleader of Left Front And lawyer with great experience as a complainant in various trials against humanity, “they handled the State and some of their institutions even several years after the dictatorship, all the files keep up to the present and They never contributed a fact for the ‘memory’ they claim“And he adds that” behind those speeches there is not only ‘cultural battle’ “but” a search for impunity. They want to have hands free for when the ruling classes of this country, who have never hesitated to resort to the most cruel repression to defend their economic interests, want to use them again. ”
“Therefore, our fight is for Transform this root societythe only way to prevent great employers from using their executing arm against the people ”, concludes Bregman After seeing the negation and claiming spot of the dictatorship that published the Casa Rosada.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com