The long crisis between the president and his vice It has been adding chapters for long months, which were combined with partial attempts at reconciliation. However, categorical definitions of Javier Miley In an interview in Lanación+ they give the idea of an end point in the relationship between the two.
“She is closer to the red circle, to what she calls high politics and we call caste” was one of the libertarian’s categorical phrases. “He does not have any type of interference in decision-making” and “decided not to participate in cabinet meetings anymore.” This is how the second in line of succession in the presidential term was dispatched.
Although this Thursday the spokesperson Adorni has tried to make some changes to Milei’s statements by stating that he “simply made a description and nothing more” and openly denying that Milei had said that the vice was part of the caste, the interview with the president speaks for itself and the relationship was left in a very difficult place. In any case, several official sources assured that it was not in the plans to ask the vice president to resign.
The one who became ridiculous with the juggling act to try to save the situation was the Chief of Staff Guillermo Francos who “explained” that: “What he stated was that his main task is in the Senate where he leads the Chamber and converses. And when he says that he is closer to the caste, he means that he works fundamentally with the different blocks of senators.”
The crisis that Milei reopens with his definitions about Villarruel has several chapters to his credit, such as his failure to comply with the so-called May Pact or the act that took place in Lezama Park. Also the definitions of France as a colonialist that Villarruel proposed and that had been disavowed by the General Secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei after some racist chants by the national team were made known, to just name a few facts.
Although it is not yet known what Villarruel’s response will be, many speculated that he would try to approach the president to try to calm the waters. Others expected some kind of public comment in a confrontational tone.
It is clear that beyond the financial “summer” and the show of strength that Javier Milei tries to show after his meeting with the recently elected president of the United States, Donald Trumpwith whom he maintains a strong political closeness, as well as with other world leaders such as the Chinese Xi Xinping or the French Emmanuel Macron, the internal controversies and the comings and goings of a government that has already expelled dozens of officials in less than a year of mandate remain in force.
The relative calm of recent weeks does not ensure that the government will be able to maintain political stability in the coming months and in view of the next electoral year, while the adjustment keeps more than 50% of the population below the poverty line and at a time when strong tendencies towards instability are emerging at the international level, marked by ongoing wars and the upcoming inauguration of Trump as head of his second term.
The endless internals of libertarian cast They do not help to maintain the precarious balance of a government that has been carrying out a large part of its plans to attack the great majorities on the basis of DNU and maintaining precarious parliamentary majorities thanks to the voluntary givers of governability, among which its allies from the PRO , the block linked to Pichetto, as well as radicals and Peronists “with a wig.”
It remains to be seen the outcome of this crisis, which may mean new dangers on the horizon of the mileist adjustment. While these adjusters and deniers fight, it becomes more important than ever to reinforce the fight against the adjustment, seeking to unite the demands of students, retirees and all workers to tear down the libertarian plan, with its consequences in the deepening of hunger and dependency.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com