Older adults, like the university at the time, show the reality and limits of the libertarian project. Editorial of “El Círculo Rojo”, a program on La Izquierda Diario that is broadcast every Thursday from 10pm to 12pm on Radio Con Vos 89.9.
- Until a while ago I was preparing some lines for this comment that contained a debate with an article that Juan Grabois published in elDiarioAr. A few hours ago he reported on his social networks that his father had died and since nothing human is foreign, we simply send him our condolences, beyond the fact that I don’t know if he is interested in what can be said here or not, yes. listens to it or gives it some importance. There will be time to resume discussions.
- I take advantage of this space to reflect on the images that we saw during these hours and that burst into the middle of the “party” that the Government seems to be going through, due to the financial summer, due to the triumphalism that has clouded them.
- I am not referring to the scandal of the senator who was captured with 200 thousand dollars in Paraguay, which, obviously, generated a scandal.
- I’m talking about the case of the retiree who almost set himself on fire in Córdoba, the reporter who in the same province broke down in front of a retiree who showed him the medications he was stopping taking and how it was impossible for him to overcome the bureaucratic obstacles that he places on them. the Government to continue receiving what it needs.
- I am talking about a sector (that of older adults) that generates the sensitivity of a large part of society, even among those who may have voted for Milei because of the rejection of all of the above and even among those who until now maintain that support.
- Let us not forget that the retirees were Menem’s karma (with the unforgettable Norma Plá) and their cause was the beginning of the end of the Macri Government.
- There is a point of contact between the university and older adults, between those two cables that cross Argentine society and that speak of the future: those who have already reached the future and want to rest because they deserve it and those who seek their future hand in hand. of the public university.
- Climbing on the pony of a favorable situation, Milei and his gang are fiddling with those cables believing that they have no consequences, but when the crisis or the collapse of a precarious scheme begins to leak, it will surely collide (as happened to so many) with a society that will tell you that in Argentina you can do many things, but you cannot govern against the future.
Politics / Retirees / Javier Milei / Future
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com