The jump in the poor population is unprecedented. The terrible reality of the GBA and of children and adolescents. Economy column from El Círculo Rojo, a program from La Izquierda Diario on Radio Con Vos.
- Today the INDEC released data that summarizes the terrible social situation in the country: 52.9% of the population is poor, according to the Permanent Household Survey carried out during the first half of the year.
- This data accounts for the social catastrophe caused by Milei’s policies. Poverty increased by almost 13 percentage points in one year or 11 percentage points since the La Libertad Avanza Government took office.
- On the other hand, the level of indigence reached 18.1%. It increased 6.2 percentage points since Milei took office.
- This implies that Milei created 5.3 million new poor people to raise the total to 24.8 million poor people in the country. It also created 3 million new homeless people so that the total number reaches 8.5 million homeless people.
- It would be necessary to investigate the statistics to see if there is a historical precedent for such a jump in such a short time.
- The current level of poverty is the highest in the last twenty years. It has not yet reached the levels of 2002 at the exit of Convetibility.
- Between 0 and 17 years of age the situation is very serious: 67.1% of children and adolescents are poor, with no future under this system.
- But, where poverty increased the most is among older adults: 13.2% of those over 65 years of age were poor in the first semester of 2023. Now they more than doubled: 29.7% were poor in the first semester of 2024.
- The GBA Parties concentrate the largest number of poor people in the country of all ages: poverty there rose to almost 60%. These are 1.7 million new poor people that Milei created to reach a total of 7.7 million poor people in the first half of 2024.
- In the breakdown by geography, the highest percentages of poverty were recorded in the following agglomerations:
- Great Resistance: poverty reached 76.2%;
- Formosa: 67,2 %
- La Rioja: 66.4%
- Concordia: 65,8 %
- Santiago del Estero-La Banda: 64.0%
- Greater Santa Fe: 59.8%
- The decadence to which the Argentine capitalist regime leads is infinite. Just for historical reference: in the early 1970s poverty was 4%.
- There is no doubt that since the civil-military dictatorship, poverty has not stopped increasing.
- In 2002, at the end of Convertibility, poverty rose above 60%.
- With the “decade won” of Kirchnerism, poverty fell, but it never broke 25%. That is, a new historical floor was established, which is now moving towards a higher level.
- And, more recently, since the IMF returned in 2018, the jump is enormous: it went from 27.3% in the first half of 2018 to 35.4% in the first half of 2019.
- With Alberto Fernández and the recycling of an odious debt with the wolves of Wall Street and the IMF, another leap was made: it left 41.7% of the population poor. There was no barbecue or full refrigerator.
- We are witnessing in Argentina an extreme expression of what is happening in the world where, since 2020, according to the NGO OXFAM, the combined fortune of the five richest men in the world has skyrocketed by 114%. Simultaneously, 4.8 billion people are poorer today than in 2019.
- This is the world that Milei loves, dazzled by Elon Musk. Capitalism is a poverty creating machine. And Milei is making it work perfectly.
Economy / National Economy / Poverty / Indec / Javier Milei / The Red Circle
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com