This Saturday, it was reported that the City Government had deployed a police operation to prevent the fair from being set up in Parque Centenario. A scramble to be able to bring a plate of food to their families in the midst of an increasing increase in poverty. “…for many it is their only job to be able to live. Jorge Macri and his hatred towards the homeless, public space workers, in short, hatred towards those who have lessdenounced MC legislator of the Left Front, Alejandrina Barry. While we write these lines, the street vendors are protesting on Av. Diaz Velez.

“Macri alludes, without any concrete evidence, that it was a complaint from neighbors. It seems that for Jorge, those who manage to bring a plate of food to their homes by selling on the street are not neighbors.” Alejandrina Barry told us and on her networks she denounced “Jorge Macri proudly celebrates leaving hundreds of families in Parque Centenario without work… Total repudiation”.

A few days ago, social media revealed that another police operation was responsible for stealing cardboard from a couple of cartoneros, another way of earning a living that thousands of people have. This was denounced by Patricio del Corro.

“While Macri is carrying out all these operations against the most vulnerable sectors dragged into poverty and trying to earn a living by finding their way, the complaint made by the neighborhood assembly of Parque Patricios was made known about how for 12 years the subway concessionaire company Emova and Techint have been usurping Parque Uriburu. Hypocritical double standards favoring businessmen.” Alejandrina Barry told us.

The City government is on a crusade against all those most affected by the crisis while providing benefits to large companies. A carbon copy of the national government’s plan. “Let us remember the racist campaign, which later resulted in harassment and persecution against homeless people. At the time, I demanded that it be discussed in the Legislature and it was stopped by the Cambiemos and Libertarian bloc.”.


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