The ex -commissioner of the Federal Police Horacio Giménez just being designated in replacement of WALDO WOLFF at the head of the Ministry of Security of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The change occurs in the midst of the crisis that the government of Jorge Macri for the situation of thousands of detainees at police and offices, combined with the “internal” that maintains the PRO With the national government, particularly with the former Macrista Patricia Bullrich.
“It is police time (…) We have no doubt that your deep knowledge in the matter and its commitment to order will be key for Buenos Aires to remain a safe and orderly city”tweeted Monday Macri on Giménez When announcing changes in your cabinet, marking a clear line of action.
The arrival of Giménez The ministry is read by ultra -right as a “good news”, since man is bearer of a leafy record. And besides, because years ago it is consubstantiated with repression in CABA. In fact, between 2011 and 2016, he led the Metropolitan Police under the orders of the then Head of Government Mauricio Macri. From that time it drags a processing to suppress staff, patients and press workers in the José Tiburcio Borda Mental Health Hospitalcause that has been waiting for a definition of the Supreme Court of Justice for years.
The “deep knowledge in the field” of Giménez: when he was Chief of the Metropolitan Police, the Borda Psychiatric Hospital evicted with repression, where several workers in the press, health, protesters and legislators ended, as my partner @Barry__ale https://t.co/xIMvVLswWe
— Andrea D’Atri (@andreadatri) March 3, 2025
Seventist, but of the bad
Giménez He was born in 1955 and being very young he entered the Federal Police School Ramón L. Falcón. According to information he usually disseminates, “he displayed a vast career in the PFA”, Where he became head of the Department of Security of National Organizations, General Director of Internal Security and Interior Superintendent and Complex Federal Crimes. That last position was occupied during the presidencies of Nestor y Cristina Kirchner.
Decades before reaching those senior positions, being a short career officer, Integrated the Federal Bands that were sent to fulfill different repressive missions against what the ruling classes called “Subversion”.
During the government of Isabel Perón y José López Rega, Giménez He joined the squad of 5,000 men, headed by the Army, which was installed in Tucumán To give free rein to the sadly famous Independence operation general essay and prelude to what would extend throughout the country as of March 24, 1976.
In early January 1975 the Peronist President had signed Decree 261 that ordered “Aniquil the actions of subversive elements” in Tucuman territory. With that “legal” coverage, military and police harassed against the northern population, kidnapping, torturing and killing workers, students and political activists.
The executors themselves of the Independence operation They acknowledged having mounted 80 “Reefering places” in the province. No less than eleven of those places became clandestine detention centers. The most emblematic is the Famaillá’s school where it is estimated that between 1500 and 2000 detainees passed.
For those times Giménez He also walked in the south of Santa Fe, more precisely in Villa Constituciónbastion of the labor and popular struggle that since 1974 was the scene of the remembered “VILLAZO” against employers like Acindarthe union bureaucracy of the UOM and the “social pact” that the government of Juan Perón.
That work class deed was brutally repressed in March 1975in an unpublished operation of the National Government in charge of state forces with the support of paramilitary bands such as the Triple A and even business financing. Acindar by case, he had a police detachment within the factory.
Since November 2023, a judgment for crimes against humanity committed against the population of Villa Constitución. A former manager of Acindar a military and more than twenty members of the Federal. In that case Giménez Zafó, like hundreds of those “young officers.”
The fact that over the decades Giménez He has not been prosecuted (even less convicted) for those crimes does not exempt him from responsibility. As they have always denounced survivors and human rights organizations, The genocides who finished prisoners are few If compared to the tens of thousands of military, police and penitentiaries who kidnapped, tortured, killed, disappeared and robbed babies in the almost 800 clandestine detention centers mounted in Argentina between the mid -70s and early 80s.
Metropolitan repressor
As a large part of its “comrades of arms”, Giménez managed to recycle Once the dictatorship is finished. By force of “democratic” rinses, he was one of the many who managed to display “a vast career” in the Federal Policeaccording to your official curriculum. The governments of Alfonsin, Me too, From the rua, Duhalde and the Kirchner They always endorsed their promotions.
During the second presidency of CFRPthe then Minister of Security Nilda Garré Motorized changes in the dome of federal forces. After years of occupying high steps of the force ranks, Giménez And several more were passed to retirement.
In his case, in addition, the accusation of other federals who nicknamed him was added “The Chief of Traitors”. Because in 2009 he would have sent to film and take pictures of those members of the Federal who showed enthusiasm to move on to the recently created Metropolitan Police (the same one that would lead two years later).
From his retirement, Giménez It charges a retirement of the most bulky that the State pays, far from the minimum they perceive True workers that every Wednesday they are repressed in front of Congress by the “comrades” of the former general commissioner.
In December 2011, about to turn 59, Giménez was summoned by the mayor Macri To replace a Eugenio Burzaco In the Head of Metropolitan. He accepted gladly. When assuming the position, he said nothing less that he was “committed” to “respect and guarantee of human rights.” Among those present there were laughs contained.
Nostalgic, the ex -hierarca of the Federal He faced the leadership of the Buenos Aires police with dedication. So much that in his biography he will be forever marked as a “milestone” The wild repression who commanded in April 2013 against workers, workers and patients of the Border hospital .
It was within the framework of a protest to the decision of Macri to demolish facilities dedicated to workshops and cultural activities. Although really the Metropolitan He had the order to harass, pursue, suppress and imprison everything that smelled of popular and antipro.
In that repression there were More than fifty injured and several detainees. Facts for which Giménezone’s own Macriother officials and police officers ended up processed. But in February 2015 All were dismissed. Shortly after National Criminal Cassation Chamber confirmed impunity, faithful to the tacit mandate to save Macri and his henchmen of all judicial complication.
The cause by the facts of the Edge It is not closed. After various appeals and presentations of complainants, for years the fate of the file awaits a decision of the Supreme Court of Justice. Although nothing suggests that the highest court in the country will fail against officials and police. Even less if some of its members came to occupy those armchairs thanks to their own Macri.
Despite his record (or thanks to him) since Monday Giménez conducts the effervescent Ministry of Security of Buenos Aires under the orders of Jorge Macricousin of his former chief and complicit of adexes. The intention seems clear: to compose relations with the national repressive portfolio directed by the former president of the PRO Bullrichwho by force of tweets and screams achieved the ejection of his old acquaintance Wolff.
In less than 24 hours Giménez He already showed his willing La Libertad advances. With all the hatred he has to popular manifestations, he sent his subordinates to beat and shoot them to neighbors and neighbors of the Villa 1-11-14 who committed the very serious crime of celebrating the carnival in the neighborhood. Total normality.
Very serious repression in Villa 1 11 14 to the carnivals that the neighborhood was carrying out. The debut of the new security minister Horacio Gimenez de @jorgemacri that was unpunished of the brutal repression in the Borda and today enables him to exercise this violence against the neighbors. pic.twitter.com/5gMoABXIX7
– Alejandrina Barry (@Barry__ale) March 4, 2025
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com