This June 1st is celebrated 23 years of the trigger-happy case in which the officer of the Buenos Aires Police José Salmo shot and left in a wheelchair Carla Lacortemember of Center of Professionals for Human Rights (CeProDH) and of Socialist Workers Party (PTS). Those were the days of the “meta bullet” promoted by the then governor of the Province of Buenos Aires Carlos Ruckaufa policy with which the repressive apparatus was strengthened in view of the inevitable outbreak that came in the days of December 2001.
For Carla It was the beginning of an enormous struggle that he shared and shares with relatives of trigger-happy victims, students and employed and unemployed workers who also have to face State repression. That process was condensed, along with the elaborations that she was doing, in the book The discipline of bullets. First-person analysis of trigger-happy and repression of protests in Argentina what IPS Editions published in September 2019, when Patricia Bullrich ended her infamous first term as Minister of Security, at that time in the presidency of Mauricio Macri.
Precisely, when this person of the “hard hand” returns to the Ministry of Security, now together with Javier Mileywe take advantage of the reminder to share the chapter 8 from the book of Carlain which the repressive issue during the government of Macri-Bullrich. Y We invite you to read this other notewhich recounts part of the fight that took place against Resolution 956 of 2018 with which Bullrich tried “legalize” trigger-happy, a question that is insisted upon again today. A fight in which Carla Lacorte, Myriam Bregman and other leaders of the fight for human rights were protagonists. Let these texts serve as a contribution to face the struggles of the present.
Chapter 8 – The agenda of the right… If it happens, it happens
The Discipline of Las Balas – Capitulo 8 by La Izquierda Diario on Scribd
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com