Unions, social movements, student centers, etc., cannot afford to cry, paralyze or hold seminars. Either they call to fight against the right or they will be more complicit than they already are. It’s fight time. In the street you can see the pingos.
— Octavio Crivaro (@OctavioCrivaro) November 19, 2023
He arrives without governors or parliamentary majorities and with broad sectors against his policies and those of his vice, which we always face. We will be in the streets in the face of every attack, because your freedom is “the freedom to exploit you without limits,” as I told you in the debate.
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) November 20, 2023
The extreme right added the JXC vote and capitalized on the angry vote against a Government that failed to keep its promises and applied harsh adjustment plans to comply with the IMF, making the situation worse. economic and social. With 60% of childhoods in poverty and 150% inflation.
— Nicolas del Caño (@NicolasdelCano) November 19, 2023
Milei’s will be a mandate with contradictions and many weaknesses. We must prepare for the fight against their plans of adjustment and repression, with the immense social force that the working class has if it organizes itself, together with women and combative youth.
— Nicolas del Caño (@NicolasdelCano) November 19, 2023
Milei won with 55% of the votes. How do you explain her triumph? Four years of adjustment of the Frente de Todos government, a handle given by the two previously majority coalitions and the demobilization of the unions favored the growth of the ultra-right candidate.
— Christian Castillo (@chipicastillo) November 20, 2023
What must be prepared is organization from below in all schools, neighborhoods and workplaces. If they come for more adjustment, the key is to prepare resistance, not an “orderly transition.”
— Pato del Corro (@Patriciodc) November 19, 2023
Passivity allowed the right-wing agenda, the imposition of adjustment, the lack of response to inflation, the growth of the right and its triumph.
Running to the right to beat him failed.Are we going to organize ourselves to take back the streets?
It will be defined in the struggles ✊🏾
— Andrea D’Atri 🍉✊🏾 (@andreadatri) November 19, 2023
If the Argentine people confronted Onganía and Videla, they will be able to defeat someone who scares himself with coughs and talks to dead dogs. It is clear: adjustment and taking the discourse of the right does not serve to confront the right. The fight is in the street. Below the cobblestones is the beach.
— Octavio Crivaro (@OctavioCrivaro) November 19, 2023
Unions, social movements, student centers, etc., cannot afford to cry, paralyze or hold seminars. Either they call to fight against the right or they will be more complicit than they already are. It’s fight time. In the street you can see the pingos.
— Octavio Crivaro (@OctavioCrivaro) November 19, 2023
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com