The “lack of merit” was not only the result of the armed cause against those detained in the mobilization against the Bases Law, it is the characteristic of the entire Government. Editorial of “El Círculo Rojo”, a program on La Izquierda Diario that is broadcast on Thursdays from 10 p.m. to midnight on Radio Con Vos, 89.9.

  • Lack of merit. That seems to be the main characteristic of Javier Milei’s Government.
  • Firstly, it was the basis for Judge María Servini to release 28 of the 33 people detained in the mobilization against the Bases Law. There remain five who, if their actions are compared with what they are accused of, also deserve to be released due to lack of merit. And this applies both to the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli and the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, who did a lot of work to show how judicial files against protesters or people circulating in the area are put together without evidence: statements or minutes from the police themselves. who always repeat the same thing: “he threw stones”, “he jumped over fences”, “he hit so-and-so” and even when they have to testify they say something completely different, they modify it significantly or they don’t speak at all. There are also no images to accuse and no seized items that allow proving anything.
  • This did not stop Stornelli from accusing the detainees of being “coup plotters” and “terrorists” and even ending up in federal prisons. The case, due to Servini’s resolution and the obvious elements, practically collapsed.
  • In the case of the five defendants who remain in prison, there are no grounds for the alleged danger of escape or obstruction in the judicial process for them to remain in “preventive detention.” A legal mess and a political scandal that even provoked the pronouncement of international organizations.

  • Now, it is not the only “lack of merit.” The International Monetary Fund finalized the eighth review of the agreement known as “extended facilities” and, essentially, told the Government: “Che, you are not doing enough credit.”
  • Because? Well, because within the framework of vindicating the course chosen by the Government, it raised some issues: For example, that it should start thinking about a devaluation, lifting the stocks and eliminating the Country Tax before the end of the year. Obviously, this would imply a new jump in inflation, collapsing the only figure that the Government can show as an “achievement.” In addition, the Fund asked to eliminate the preferential dollar that exporters have (who are allowed to liquidate a part of the harvest at the official dollar price and another at a higher price), in fact, it said that this should happen at the end of June and the Government came out to say that that special dollar will be maintained for the soybean country.
  • Also, the Fonfo asked for more fiscal adjustment under the euphemism of “improving the quality of the adjustment”, by eliminating subsidies on energy rates before the end of the year and reducing public transport subsidies to 0, 1% of GDP. The consequences? new rates for your pocket and another possible boost to inflation.
  • The Fund also demanded the restitution of the Income Tax applied to the salary. An issue in which the Government has a double problem because it was rejected in the Senate and it has to try to reinstate it in the Deputies when the final text of the Base Law is approved, something that is not guaranteed.
  • And as if that were not enough, the Fund denied the Government that wants to sell the fable of an economic recovery that has supposedly already begun because, according to the IMF, the recession for this year is going to be worse than they anticipated: its forecast is for a fall 3.5% of GDP. And if the agricultural sector is excluded, the drop in 2024 will be 6%.
  • Finally, there is the obvious “lack of merit” in the political field. It must be recognized that at this point, the approval of the Bases Law in the Senate was more the product of the dubious “merit” of the traditional opposition that is dying to collaborate because “collaborationism” is part of its nature, rather than the result. of the great skills of the Government. This must be especially emphasized, the opposition misnamed “dialogue” reads the polls, believes they certify unconditional support for Milei and does not want to be left out. But those surveys and the support it still maintains have to do with a rejection, with a negative feeling towards all of the above (including them) rather than with a positive enthusiasm in the face of results that are clearly catastrophic. In this way, the paradox occurs that the “dialogueists” do not want to be left out of a consensus and a repudiation that includes them, that is, in some way they repudiate themselves.
  • At the Flag Day event in Rosario, Milei was again alone, accompanied only by the governor of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro (as Martín Llaryora, the governor of the Mediterranean province, had been escorted in Córdoba at the time). There were, in this case, some subtle differences: on the one hand, fewer people even than the small number of people who had come to Plaza San Martín in Córdoba, and Pullaro had “the luxury” of speaking and saying some things. which Milei didn’t like very much. That is, even Pullaro felt the need to differentiate himself. And it is seen that it hurt the Government because it sent its trolls to edit a video in which they added a court whistle to Pullaro’s speech, very poorly edited, it is seen that in the troll farm managed by Santiago Caputo, for the long holiday or who knows why, the video editors were not there. And they tried to make a very bizarre fragment go viral because Pullaro raised some nuance and this despite the fact that he later applauded Milei like crazy.
  • What did Milei do? She almost compared herself to Belgrano who joins a list that includes Moisés and Terminator. But that is the colorful anecdote, politically she once again called for the “May Pact”… for July, this time in Tucumán. She again asked for help from the caste to whom she seems to say: “I hate you, I hate you, but give me more.”
  • In short, it is curious that a Government whose most recalcitrant ideology has merit at its center, shows at all levels a terrible “lack of merit.”

  • Politics / María Romilda Servini / Rosario / Flag Day / Javier Milei / Carlos Stornelli / Bases Law


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