Edgardo Kueiderthe Entre Ríos senator who took office through the lists of Union for the Homeland (UxP) is detained in Paraguay for having been found with undeclared $200,000. Where did that money come from? It is not known. What is clear is that Kueider was one of the Peronist legislators who put on the wig and collaborated with the government of Javier Milei, approving key initiatives such as the Bases Law. The case is similar to that of López’s bags: but it is likely that part of that money came from the Government that bought the political will of the opposition sectors to carry out its agenda of surrender and destruction of rights.
This Friday, the block of senators of the Kirchnerism asked Vice President Victoria Villarruel for a special session to discuss the removal of Kueider. Thus, they could propose that another UxP legislator take office, which could be Stefanía Cora, a member of La Cámpora. Otherwise, the bank would be licensed. With the arrest of Kueider, the La Libertad Avanza government loses a senator partner for the initiatives it seeks to discuss in Congress. But if the castling sought by Kirchnerism is enabled, it would go from one less to one more against.
In recent weeks, The network of negotiations between Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and President Javier Milei emerged. Beyond the fiery rhetoric that shows them on opposing sides, the behind-the-scenes threads in Congress find them closer than ever. The Government has on its side the call lawfarein addition to the attempt to present a clean record, which would prevent CFK from running for any position. These tensions take the form of negotiation on issues such as: the possible election of the corrupt judge Lijo to the Supreme Court of Justiceand an agenda that attacks the democratic regime as we know it today.
These movements cast doubt on what the position of Kirchnerism will be against the attempt to privatize elections by the far-right government. Imposing that the financing of electoral campaigns is no longer public pushes a transformation of the democratic regime, where in order to participate in the elections it will be necessary to be tied to some private sponsor and, with that, to respond more directly to the interests of corporations. who put in the money. For its part, CFK raised againthese days, that His ideal of a democratic regime is that the vote be held every four yearsthus limiting the participation of the large majorities through the popular vote.
If we move forward with this anti-democratic agenda, the Frente de Izquierda Unidad would be the most affected political force: it is the only one that remains totally independent of companies. On the other hand, in the face of the Kueider case, the Left is the only space that, instead of speculating about the fate of that bank, has been proposing the annulment of the Base Law. What more evidence that this law was approved with the purchase of votes? As had already been demonstrated with the offer of a diplomatic position in Paris to Lucila Crexell.
If the special session goes ahead, it could be Thursday of next week. Without changes, Kueider’s position could be placed on leave and the fate of the bank would only be debated in March 2025, in the Constitutional Affairs commission that – paradoxically – is still chaired by the senator, under Villarruel’s management.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com