mercy and their officials prove once again that their cruelty has no limits. Firstthe They stole (and they keep stealing from him) food to the soup kitchens who feed children and older adults. Afterwith the presidential veto They denied a wretch increase to the and the RetireesOn top of that, they repressed them and took away their medicines. Nowhave a new target of attack: las People with disabilities who receive a non-contributory disability pensionwhich is barely $ 164.000 plus a $70,000 bonus.
“I am addressing you, within the framework of case 2390/2024 being processed before the Federal Criminal and Correctional Court No. 11, to inform you that you must appear at the Office of the National Disability Agency located at Hipólito Yrigoyen 1439, in the City of Buenos Aires, with the complementary documentation that proves your medical condition, to be audited by medical professionals of the National Disability Agency, in accordance with the powers granted by Decree No. 698/2017 and its amendments and in accordance with the provisions of articles No. 25 and 26 of the Annex to Decree 432/97 and its amendments.”
“Failure to comply with this summons will result in suspension of the Non-Contributory Disability Pension in accordance with the provisions of Articles 19 and 20 of Decree 432/97 and its respective amendments and supplements.”
This is the text that was received Florencethrough a certified letter, which has the signature of Diego Spagnuolo, executive director of the National Agency for Disability (ANDIS)“If they take away my pension, which is already not enough, I don’t know how I will make a living because I have not been able to work for years.”
Florence lives in the City of Buenos Aires with his grandmother. He has the Unique Disability Certificate (CUD)which is why everything is in order, since in order to access the CUD it is necessary to gather a huge amount of medical documentation and also go through an Evaluation Board. Despite this, receiving such a notice and by certified letter worried her and filled her with anguish.
Florence She is not the only one who has to endure such humiliation these days. Last Tuesday, both the deputy Nicholas del Cañoof the PTS in the United Left Front, as Daniel Arroyoa deputy for Unión por la Patria, expressed their concern about this action by the Government and also denounced that there is no official information about the alleged audit being carried out by ANDIS that seeks to reduce the number of beneficiaries who receive pensions.
🏛 Chamber of Deputies | The Disability Commission began, with the participation of the deputy @NicolasdelCano
In it, he denounced the adjustment and said that the pension they receive today is very low. pic.twitter.com/CT3Ly8fnfX— United Left Front (@Fte_Izquierda) September 3, 2024
“In the midst of this lack of information, people with disabilities are receiving letters in which they are asked to present documentation, so it is appropriate that we submit a request for information to the Executive,” he said. Arroyo.
In the meantime From the PipeHe added that “I have the letters and documents that are reaching many people who write to us and we are very worried. A cloak of suspicion is being cast over people who are feeling a lot of anguish and who do not have to go through this situation. An audit could perfectly well be carried out but without doing this.”
Meeting of the Disability Committee of Deputies on September 3
Milei, just like Macri
Milei and his minions did not invent anything. What they are doing, he already did. Macri in 2018they even invoke the same decree to endorse their miserable cuts: the Decree 432/97 from the time of Carlos Menem.
At that time, ANDIS was in charge of Gabriela Michetti and through resolution 268/2018, suspended all pensions that it considered “incompatible” with the aforementioned decreewhich established very restrictive criteria, such as that the person must prove a 76% disability that prohibits him from working and the impossibility of having two beneficiaries within the family unit, among others. In addition, it gave them “10 administrative working days for the person to exercise his legitimate right of defense and offer the evidence he intends to use, as well as to review the proceedings.”
As we see, the Government of mercy he is repeating what he did Macri. One has to confront Milei’s adjustment policy which cannot be tolerated any longer. And to do so, it uses totally stigmatising campaigns, such as the one it also carries out against social organisations and soup kitchens, and anti-democratic mechanisms such as the presidential veto and repression, as in the case of pensioners.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com