Junts and ERC have shown their intention to count the vote of the two pro-independence deputies who remain abroad, Carles Puigdemont and Lluís Puig, in the constituent session of the legislature next Monday that will choose the members of the Parliament’s Board. The parties’ decision collides with the criteria of the Constitutional Court (TC), which this week annulled Puig’s voting delegation that operated during the last legislature.
The Constitutional Court overturned the Parliament’s transitional regulations that allowed former Minister Lluís Puig, in Belgium since 2017, to vote electronically throughout the last legislature. The resolution came a few days after the vote to form a new Parliament Board and with Carles Puigdemont and Puig himself pending being able to vote with the same system now annulled.
Beyond the fact that both elected deputies may end up without exercising one of their functions, the fact that Puigdemont and Puig do not use televoting this Monday does not have great practical effects when it comes to forming majorities. Without their two votes, the sum of Junts, ERC and the CUP in which the independence movement works to have a majority in the Table would have 57 supports, which would be eleven more than the 48 reached by PSC and Comuns, but six less if the equation Of these last two parties the PP is added.
Those in charge of allowing the voting delegation of Puigdemont and Puig will be the two pro-independence members of the Age Table, Agustí Colomines (Junts) and Mar Besses (ERC). Predictably, they will also allow Ruben Wagensberg (ERC) to delegate the vote, but his case is different, since although he remains in Switzerland for the Tsunami Democràtic cause, he is on medical leave, one of the assumptions that do allow him to delegate the vote. vote.
In an interview with Europa Press, the Junts candidate for the European elections, Toni Comín, assumed that Puigdemont and Puig’s vote will be counted in the constitution of the Parliament on Monday. For Comín, the decision of its formation is what should be done based on what the citizens decided in the Catalan elections of May 12: “Here everyone who must vote will vote and the Age Board will accept these votes.”
“The numbers tell me that there will be an independence table. Afterwards the TC will decide what is appropriate, but in the meantime a vote will have been taken and the Age Board will have accepted the votes,” he added.
In a statement, ERC has advocated for “being able to count the vote of the three exiles on Monday to prevent the TC from being able to torpedo, for example, the votes to obtain an anti-repressive Roundtable.”
The Republicans have defended “the right to vote of the three elected deputies who are in exile”, so, “in the same way that Ernest Maragall defended it” as president of the Age Board in the 2021 constitutive session, ERC considers that “their vote must be accepted when the new Parliament is configured”, although in the case of the last legislature the voting delegations were in the majority due to the pandemic.
For his part, the Comuns candidate for the European elections, Jaume Asens, has shown himself in favor of ERC presiding over the Parliament’s Bureau in the next term, although not by virtue of an agreement between independentists but rather the result of a pact between socialists, republicans and commons.
Source: www.eldiario.es