Since early morning, lines of voters have formed in several of the more than 15,700 voting centers enabled, giving the indication that there may be a massive turnout at the pollsAlthough more than 21 million Venezuelans are registered as voters, a large number of them are outside the country and will not be able to exercise their right to vote.
The polling stations will be open until 6pm, but as usual, closing hours may be extended. In Venezuela there is no “exit poll” so We will have to wait for the data officially issued by the National Electoral Council (CNE) has not reported any estimated time for giving the news.
[Videos e imágenes] #Elections #28Julio #Venezuela. Considerable turnout at the opening of the polls. The first lines were reported in some cities since last night. The trend towards high participation is confirmed. pic.twitter.com/0mBWsgv3y7
— The Left Daily Venezuela (@LaIzqDiario_VE) July 28, 2024
However, and despite the fact that the polls are biased, it is the It is the first time that the Chavista government has seen a presidential election in danger against the opposition. For this reason, it has disqualified the one who was the main opposition figure, Maria Corina Machadoof far-right orientation, as well as candidates who could take away votes “from the left” such as the Communist Party, which a few years ago ran in alliance with the government.
At the same time, there is fear of fraudulent maneuvers that the regime could implement. In fact, the government has been very strict in accepting international observers, especially from opposition allies, but also from sectors close to it, as was the case of the former Argentine president. Alberto Fernandez for having indicated that Maduro should accept defeat if it occurs.
Although there are ten candidates vying for the presidency, Only two have a chance to win according to all forecasts. On the one hand, the current president Nicolas Maduro who is seeking re-election and to keep in power the Chavista movement that has governed for almost three decades and that in recent years has taken a leap in its Bonapartist and repressive character and has mercilessly unloaded the economic crisis on the shoulders of the working people.
On the other hand, Edmundo Gonzalezthe candidate of the right-wing María Corina Machado who was disqualified by the Supreme Court of Justice, who is trying to remove Chavismo from power and impose an openly neoliberal and pro-imperialist regime, with a program of massive privatizations, labor flexibility and subordination to the IMF, which would complete the path already thoroughly taken by Maduro, by drastically liberalizing the economy and eliminating labor rights.
This is a key choice that keeps the entire region alert since it will define whether Venezuela remains among the countries with adjustment governments but not directly aligned with the US (like Brazil with Lula, Colombia with Petro, or Mexico with López Obrador and the recently elected Claudia Sheinbaum), or if on the contrary it will enter the list of countries led by the continental right (like the case of Argentina with Milei, Ecuador with Noboa or Peru with Dina Boluarte).
This puts A lot of tension in these elections and there are serious doubts that, whatever the result, the loser will not accept it and a conflict will open convulsive situationfirst of all politically, but also – and above all – in the streets as has happened at other times in recent history, such as the latest coup attempt led by Juan Guaidó in 2019.
The truth is None of the candidates represent the interests of workersChavismo intends to maintain a repressive regime where the great majority lives in poverty, concealed under a falsely “socialist” discourse and confrontation with the US. The neoliberal opposition comes, as we said, with an adjustment plan as harsh or harsher than the current one, ready to hand over the national wealth to the great local and foreign capitalists and to subject the country to international banking.
That’s why the independent left which is not subordinate to any of these two employer options, has promoted a “The working class has no candidate in this election. They do not represent us!” campaignspreading a program of working-class and socialist exit and calling for a null vote.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com