A precautionary measure suspended on Tuesday Decree 116/25, with which Javier Milei’s government tried to advance in the privatization of Banco Naciónmaking it a corporation. In the resolution signed by federal judge Alejo Ramos Padilla, it is also indicated that the Executive Power must “refrain” from any measure that goes in the sense of privatization. The resolution also raises a requirement to the authorities so that within 5 days “they produce a report that accounts for the committed public interest.”

The measure was taken within the framework of a judicial action presented by the lawyer Juan Honorio Guerrero Iraola and other plaintiffs. They requested the nullity and unconstitutionality of the decree published on February 19. They claim that Legal and operational modification of the National Bank is the previous step to its privatization.

Who submitted the precautionary request stated that the decree “constitutes A decisive step in the conversion of the BNA in a corporationwhich implies the loss of its character as an autarkic entity of the national State. ”

The ruling emphasizes that the National Government bases Decree 116/2025 in Law 27,742, which delegates certain powers of administrative reorganization. However, he points out that this delegation “has as its impassable limit the maintenance of these entities within the public orbit, and does not enable the conversion of the BNA into a corporation.” Under that reasoning, he points out that the governmental measure “configures a covert maneuver and improper privatization.”

A few days ago, the decree of the Government was known, since the driving of the banking guild they had announced an “state of alert and mobilization” that resulted in fighting measures for the moment.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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