Javier Milei’s government again gave a new sample of his authoritarianism and that he governs believing a king who can do and undo his will. A few days after the realization of a new Legislative Assembly, which will mark the beginning of the ordinary sessions of this 2025 for the Nation Congress, strong restrictions on the part of the ruling party for the press and the accredited workers who are historically assigned to the media were announced.

In An unprecedented fact in the history of democratic governmentsKarina Milei, Martín Menem and Victoria Villarruel decided to impose significant restrictions such as the Prohibition of access to the apartment for photographers. In addition, the boxes historically occupied by accredited journalists have been reallocated to guests of the ruling party.

In a statement, the circle of parliamentary journalists expressed its rejection of these decisions, qualifying them as “unconsultsed” and without any explanation of such a resolution. “The circle of parliamentary journalists (CPP) deplores and rejects the decision of the presidents of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, and the Senate, Victoria Villarruel, to prevent the access of the journalists accredited in the Nation Congress to the boxes that historically were assigned to the media during the legislative assembly next Saturday,” they said in the text.

In addition, they point out that the press has traditionally occupied these spaces without justifying incidents for this measure and highlighted the lack of explanations about the reasons behind these restrictions, which undoubtedly constitute a clear Attack on press freedom in events of national relevance.

In another stretch they ensure that “journalists are discriminated in this absolutely irrational and without any practical sense” and affirm: “The circle of parliamentary journalists He regrets that another power of the State, such as Congress, claudique before the orders of the Executive Power “.

The repudiation was widespread, not only among journalists but also between different personalities and opposition political leaders. From the Left Front, Nicolás del Caño and Cristian Castillo expressed themselves in that regard, which they described as “an inadmissible abuse to press freedom.”

“From our block we repudiate this attack on parliamentary journalists. This new abuse to press freedom once again shows the authoritarianism of the Milei government,” said Del Caño.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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