“We are urgently summoning Jorge Macri and Wado Woolf to give explanations as to why their police carried out a de facto deprivation of liberty against dismissed workers, deputies and representatives of the Left Front, among whom were my colleagues Myriam Bregman, Nicolás del Caño, Patricio del Corro among others”declared Alejandrina Barry, Buenos Aires legislator of the PTS in the Left Front.
The legislator presented an interpellation project for the Head of Government and his security minister Waldo Wolff to be present in the Legislature and give explanations of this serious unconstitutional event, where the City police in his charge detained him for more than two hours. to protesters on the sidewalk of the Congress annex without giving any explanation to those present and without committing any crime. He was accompanied by other legislators such as Fierro and Solano from the Left and Montenegro Front and Peñafot from Unión por la Patria.
The mobilization passed peacefully and serious repressive events occurred on the sidewalk while they were deconcentrating. Alejandrina told us this way “This event occurred within the framework of a mobilization of state workers, from Incca, from Aerolíneas Argentina who were fired and demanding their incorporation in which a huge police operation with an infantry guard and motorcycles surrounded the protesters and put them on the sidewalk. to the blows”. The most serious event occurred “When we were about to deconcentrate, the City and Federal police surrounded us and illegally detained us without giving any type of explanation or informing who had given such an order.”.
At the same time, they presented an information project so that the Buenos Aires executive could urgently explain who were the authorities in charge of the illegal operation outside of any court order, which court intervened, how many Buenos Aires and federal forces acted and how much the cost was. of the mega repressive operation. The Head of the Buenos Aires Government must explain his actions as the person most responsible for said operation.
Project presented File 952-2024:
Request for interpellation to M… by Lid Caba
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com