Packers Sanitation Services, a JBS subcontractor in the United States, received a fine of US$1.5 million after an investigation conducted by the Department of Labor revealed that children worked in meat processing plants of several companies. With information from O Globo.
Responsible for cleaning slaughterhouses and slaughterhouses, the company illegally employed at least 102 children. Packers Sanitation was fined $15,138 per child, the maximum civil monetary penalty allowed under federal law.
According to the American watchdog, the children used dangerous chemicals to clean processing equipment, including back saws, chest saws and head splitters. At least three minors were injured while working for the company.
To the New York Times, JBS reported that it did not know about hiring children to clean the factory.
According to North American reports, the companies that hired Packers services and had units where work was carried out by minors are: JBS, Cargill, Tyson Foods, George’s Inc, Buckhead Meat de Minnesota, Gibbon Packing, Greater Omaha Packing, Maple Leaf Farms and Turkey Valley Farms.
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Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/jbs-usou-criancas-na-limpeza-de-matadouros-nos-eua-e-terceirizada-e-condenada-a-multa-milionaria/