The general vote ended up validating the agreement of the government and the dialogue blocks. They clearly agree on something: giving Javier Milei his roadmap for the chainsaw economic plan and liquefaction of salaries. The 144 affirmative votes were from La Libertad Avanza, PRO and former Together for Change, UCR, We Make the Federal Coalition, Federa Innovation, the Tucumáns who were elected by Unión por la Patria, and 1 of the deputies from Santa Cruz who responds to Governor Vidal.
On the premmises, the rejection of the entire law was a total of 109 votes from Union for the Homeland, Left Front, socialists of Santa Fe, Natalia de la Sota of Córdoba, the other of the deputies of Santa Cruz (but who does not respond to the governor of that province). At the last minute they joined the rejection 2 of the UCR: Facundo Manes and Pablo Juliano; and that of Margarita Stolbizer of the Pichetto block. Outside Congress there were fourth consecutive day a new protest in the square to reject the law.
But The government still has empty hands: without voting in particular article by article there is no half-sanction. It’s in limbo. The session returned to an intermission and will only be resumed next Tuesday, February 6 at 2 p.m. The decision has to do with the negotiation to the extreme that the governor of Córdoba Llaryora is doing to keep a part of the proceeds or PAIS tax or the Sustainability Guarantee Fund (FGS). That is why the general vote was taken taking into account the elimination of the articles that the ruling party had already announced on Wednesday, except for the two referred to the PAIS tax and those of the FGS. In this way, the governor is left with a weapon to continue the negotiation to dispute cash with the executive branch. During the weekend the thread will continue, and the fate of the omnibus law is really a lottery: If they do not reach an agreement in the next few days, La Libertad Avanza is not guaranteed to be able to meet again and continue with the vote in particular. He needs to get the quorum of 129 back together.
The government had already had to give in on several points due to pressure from the provinces, although it did not change the essence of its attack on the majorities. With persistent demonstrations in front of Congress that reject it, Bullrich’s mega-operation and repression could not prevent them from growing as the days went by. This Friday while the vote was taking place, Congress Plaza began to fill up and a festival organized by Unidxs por la Cultura took place.
who gave their upvote this Friday in general to the omnibus law, they did not give the government the half sanction yet, but they made their message clear. The guarantee for legitimize the chainsaw plan and liquefaction of purchasing power of the majorities. The libertarian president is not alone in his desire to move forward with an adjustment that falls on workers, retirees, informal workers, health and education. The objective is shared by practically all the governors and their deputies, as stated in the days prior to the start of the much-negotiated session for the omnibus law.
Now the negotiation is bogged down for the trap in which the governor left Laryora to the Executive Branch for the dispute over the cash. The Cordoban threat is concrete: or they give him a part of the retiree savings for the pension funds of the provinces (modifying the wording of the FGS article), or they impose the co-participation of the PAIS tax on the premises with the power of the votes. For the second scenario, the people of Córdoba could add votes to Union por la Patria deputies who respond to their provincial governors, because the interest in increasing co-participation is shared. That’s why the end of the law remains completely open, and the government will have to choose between bad options because it had those resources for the national coffers and is reluctant to give them up. In addition, the governor of Córdoba wants to make a commitment to advance a fiscal pact with the provinces.
The mobilizations promise to continue as long as the treatment lasts. The leftist deputy Christian Castillo, pointed out this Friday to the leadership of the union centers in the premises “Yesterday we told the CGT that a strike and a mobilization were not enough, a fighting plan is needed to defeat the entire plan and the Milei adjustment.” He also warned the government and the dialogue blocs “The policies that you are applying on hunger and misery are generating resistance to end this policy of adjustment at the service of the IMF. From that resistance we hope that a fundamental solution to this crisis will emerge.” .
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com