He Incentive Regime for Large Investments The Law on Bases was approved in Río Negro in an express process and other provinces with Peronist, Radical or PRO governors are rushing to join. However, from below, rejection is beginning to emerge in the face of the plundering and dispossession implied by this regime that only benefits large capitals.

In the provinces of Jujuy, Mendoza and Chubut There are important actions for the presentation of the RIGI in the legislatures. Presentations were also made or would be discussed shortly in the provinces of Tierra del Fuego, Neuquen, San Juan, Entre Rios, Chaco, Cordoba, Santa Fe, Misiones and Salta.

In Jujuy In view of the probable presentation of the project today, the indigenous communities began a peaceful protest, setting up a tent and collecting signatures against the project. The communities demand that their right to prior, free and informed consultation be respected, but there is no illusion in the government of Carlos Sadir and the complicit opposition that has been trampling on their rights, as was seen last year in the fight against the constitutional reform.

In MendozaCornejo reaffirmed his support for the Rigi and today the project is being presented to the provincial legislature, which has raised the alarm and mobilization of sectors of the teaching profession and socio-environmental assemblies that already stated clearly in 2019 that No is No and that mega-mining does not have a social license.

Chubutwith a historic tradition of struggle, rose up in 2021 against the mining rezoning. Now it is preparing to reject the Rigi by calling for Mobilizations in Rawson and Comodoro Rivadavia in the face of the threat of a vote on joining the Rigi in the Legislature.

The call is for this Thursday at 11:30 a.m. in the Provincial Legislature and from 6 p.m. in Plaza Kompuchewe in Comodoro Rivadavia. Participants Mapuche Tehuelche indigenous communities, sectors of fishing workers, socio-environmental assemblies and the Fuera Mekorot campaign.

Multinational campaign No to RIGI

Throughout the plurinational territory, the coordination from below. Today at 19 hours is called a new meeting from the Plurinational Campaign No to RIGI which had more than 100 connections last week.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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