This Friday morning, Myriam Bregman was interviewed on the program Chronicle announcedin Futurock. There he referred to the scandalous negotiations that have been taking place around the Omnibus Law. Furthermore, he stated that the impositions made by the IMF are not on the public agenda and are the true background of the norm and the attempt to reach “zero deficit.”
Among other things, Bregman stated that They requested the annulment of the opinion on the Omnibus Law due to the multiple existing irregularities. She recalled that “the ruling did not appear after 16 hours and then we already had an alert. Then all the versions began to run. A Córdoba deputy said that he had signed something else. It is shown that they changed the version of the ruling that came out. Everything is riddled with irregularities, Ley Banelco is already painting”.
Furthermore, he denounced that the true content of the norm “It is not being discussed in Congress. The meeting for us to discuss the deputies lasted a few hours. And then you find out from the newspapers and social networks that everything is being discussed outside. I call it the Savoy Law because it was discussed more in that hotel. than what was discussed in Congress.”
He pointed out that these discussions are all “behind the people’s backs. Nobody knows what is being discussed. It’s all very murky. We can’t get to the venue like this. Without knowing what the opinion is like, what happened in that meeting that was held after the commission, without knowing what the agreements are like, without knowing that it is the majority. Everything is too stained so that a session can be done on Tuesday in these conditions. And we are not talking about the terrible content that this law has against the popular majorities.”
Furthermore, the national representative of the PTS-Left Front who “There is a point that is going unnoticed and it is the role of the International Monetary Fund. The IMF has been demanding in our country points such as increasing rates, ending subsidies, changing the retirement system and ending special regimes. That they are not privileged regimes, but rather they benefit workers who carried out their work in very burdensome conditions, such as miners. It is logical that they retire earlier.”
He also added that “The IMF asks for this and this is what Caputo is negotiating. He asked this government and he asked the previous one, which entered into the current agreement. We have been very critical of that agreement, both when Guzmán promoted it and when Massa promoted it.”
Bregman indicated that “They are arguing in hotels, in apartments in Recoleta and in Washington the true delivery conditions of the country. Centrally what is are discussing are the conditions of the Fund. And that is not on the public agenda.”
In reference to the day of the law’s treatment, he pointed out that “we have to be many and many in the streets when this is discussed. So that they are ashamed to raise their hands to privatize, for example, public media.”
In reference to the current debates about the rule, he added that “we are all very entertained in a discussion that the governors have with us about ‘withholdings yes, withholdings no’. But here there is more than one worker who is losing his life with what is being discussed.”
Finally, he pointed out that “what they are wanting to do is to vote on the law in general, to obtain the delegated powers and then, point by point, they know that there are things that are going to fall. General approval must be avoided. If Milei gains superpowers she is going to cause destruction. It’s not going to be a cuddly kitten, it’s going to be monkey with a knife”.
“We have to mobilize. We cannot make each sector respond when attacked. It is important to give a comprehensive response. I believe that we must be on the streets when this law is discussed. The organizations, the assemblies will determine how.”
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com