After the delirious circus at Luna Park, some media and analysts sought to establish a kind of consolidation of Milei and his leadership. Not only did they seek to highlight the call (small, which did not manage to fill the stadium) and her speech, but they doubled down after the publication of the magazine Time which features the president on the cover of its new edition.

But far from the flashes and friendly journalism, there is another way to read the official staging and the permanent self-praise and delusion of presidential grandeur: an extravagant and permanent show, which aims to cover up Milei’s worst political moment.

Far from the megalomania of the president, who in a new interview with Luis Majul once again assured that he is “the most popular politician in the world”, the exaggeration of his figure and what he presents as his “achievements” has to be read as the face of his weaknesses and the enormous contradictions that his government faces. The statistics published this week by the INDEC confirming the abrupt fall of the economy, the cold of the recession, the increase in poverty and the growth of layoffs are some of the elements that fuel a social bad mood that is on the rise. Added to this situation, on the one hand, is a busy week of struggles against the adjustment that has its hottest point in the province of Misiones, but that also extends to other provinces such as Mendoza, Chubut, Catamarca, the national teaching strike and others. conflicts. And on the other hand, the exchange turbulence that it is experiencing due to the rise of the blue dollar and financial markets; and the bogging down of the Bases Law in the Senate, one of the strongest bets of his project.

23 days after the half-sanction in Deputies and after several jokes thinking that it had already won the game, the Government sees the treatment of the law in danger that it does not even manage to obtain an opinion in committees. Time passes and works against them, the unrest grows and patience runs out and conditions the agreements that the ruling party needs to achieve with the allied blocs, which are willing to collaborate in the adjustment but not to sacrifice themselves.

In this context, during the interview with Majul Milei he questioned the continuity of the questioned Nicolás Posse and his entire cabinet if the Base Law were not to come out. A confession that exposes all his weakness. “The Bases Law can turn out well or it can, let’s say, turn out that it doesn’t turn out, so to speak,” Milei began by saying, in a tongue twister that demonstrates the difficulty you have in recognizing the possibility that your plans will fail. And faced with that possibility, he assured: “This situation is going to lead us to have to do an entire evaluation of results and The entire cabinet is under analysis. “Not Posse alone, all the ministers remain under analysis.”

Milei’s phrase sought to answer Majul’s question about the rumors about the dismissal of Nicolás Posse from his role as Chief of Staff. But Milei’s response, involving his entire cabinet and subjecting his future to the result of the treatment of the Bases Law, says much more about the current moment that the libertarian administration is going through. “You have to set a moment and, from there, you evaluate whether the objectives were met, if they were not met, what worked and what did not work is changed,” he said.

Milei’s honesty came on the same day that his Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, publicly complained about how blocked his negotiations are in the Senate. “It is unusual that, after 5 months in government, Congress has still not given a law to President Milei,” he said during an interview in Radio Splendid. And he completed: “We are working to get the Bases Law out and we are close, but issues always appear that complicate the final approval of the opinion in the Senate.”

Francos and Milei’s statements show that the Government has many more difficulties in carrying out its reforms than it usually acknowledges. Difficulties that even worsen, amid the escalation of anger and social unrest due to the consequences of the adjustment. Only five months after taking office – and despite the surveys that are intentionally circulated to install an image of strength that is not consistent with reality – that both recognize the possibility that the project will fail and that the continuity of the cabinet will be called into question. If it does not achieve approval, it shows that the Government is far from being invincible. Contrary to what they are trying to install, only They reveal the increasingly greater contradictions they have in carrying out the objectives of their Government and show that, if there is a predisposition, it is possible to defeat them.


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