Completely reprehensible. This Tuesday, Diego Kravetzthe Buenos Aires City Security Minister, said that “feeding someone who is homeless is accommodating them in poverty.” Also attacking people who show solidarity with the situation of these people, he added that “they help them to be more comfortable in poverty and marginality.”
It is nothing new speeches of discrimination and exclusion The same thing that both the head of the Buenos Aires government, Jorge Macri, and his Minister of Security have been boasting about. These statements occur at the same time that the crisis suffered by homeless people is worsening.
In fact, in recent weeks the case of Five people living on the streets died of hypothermiaThe intense cold causes this terrible scourge, which threatens thousands of people who are homeless.
The treatment of homeless people by the Buenos Aires government is truly reprehensible. Margarita, a homeless woman who lives in the Congress area, complained: “They come from the government and tell me they are going to kick me out, that they are going to break and throw away all my things, and I don’t want them to hurt me.”
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com