On Monday afternoon, the esplanade of the Scientific Pole located in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Palermo was the meeting point for CONICET workers. Last week, ATE had announced that in the coming days new layoffs in the sector according to a communication from government sources.
The Scientific Pole assembly brought together more than 200 workers and was convened by delegates of ATE Conicet en Saavedra XV, Philosophy and Letters, Exact, Cnea together with the group Precarious Young Scientistswhere delegates from La Plata also participated. The internal board of ATE CONICET, under the leadership of the Green and White, was absent from the call and the assemblyan issue that was criticized by several attendees.
The enormous concern about the adjustment that is affecting the entire S&T sector led us to raise in various instances the need to coordinate with other workers in the sector to come together in assemblies that… pic.twitter.com/z7956Wllfe
— Precarious Young Scientists – Bs. As. (@JcpBuenosaires) January 16, 2024
At the request of the Chief of Staffthe layoffs in the State that began on January 2 in the culturein it former ministry of laborin it Ministry of Economy among others, they would continue in the coming days in some centralized agencies and organizations. In CONICET, administrative workers who entered after August 2023 are under threat according to the precarious contracting modality of article 9 of the Public Employment Framework Law No. 25,164. On the other hand, The results of the doctoral scholarships that were to be resolved last weekend remain without official communicationan issue that also raised alarm bells.
This Tuesday, January 16, the CONICET board will meet, with a previously unknown topic. The scientific community is waiting for possible developments.
The assembly voted unanimously mobilize next January 24 within the framework of the national strike called by the CGT and the CTAs, to carry out, together with other organizations, the specific demands of the science and technology sector, making the identity of science workers visible y repudiating any attempt to carry out dismissals, against the attack represented by the mega DNU and the Omnibus Law. Faced with the false premise that “there is no money,” it was pointed out that Conicet’s “spending” amounts to less than 50 cents for every 100 pesos that each worker contributes with their taxes. In this sense, the requirements include opening of joint ventures and urgent salary recomposition: in Conicet there is no one left and they are all essential. The workers in the sector decided give continuity to the fight through new assemblies and sectoral measures, as required by the results of the Board of Directors meeting on January 16, as well as participation in different instances of union coordination (Plenary of Combative Unionism, among others) and workers from other S&T organizations and national universities that organize to face the government offensive. also voted provide support to all transvestites, trans and non-binary people who are working in the organization, as well as the incorporation of a transfeminist perspective in the evaluation of interns, researchers and support staff, which implies including in SIGEVA and SIGERH the names and self-perceived pronouns of colleagues.
This afternoon, the National Assembly of Becarixs will also meet in a virtual assembly.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com