The attacks by Milei’s government, with the open or hidden complicity of the big national and provincial employers’ parties, began months ago. It has added more than two million poor people, increased the number of indigence and continues to punish and hurt working families with chainsaws and blenders, while a handful of rich people, the same ones as always, fill their pockets.
Faced with this plan, the CGT took isolated actions to end up reaching an agreement with the government in exchange for not having their privileges affected. The majority sector (big bosses and independents) did not even mobilize against the Ley Bases.
Some unions, such as the CTA, have expressed their opposition but have not made any serious and consistent struggle. From the militant sectors we have been demanding from the trade unions measures of struggle, but we are not waiting sitting down: days of struggle, meetings and proposals for a broad and combative unity are being planned and organised.
In the context of new struggles that are beginning to emerge and gain strength, an important public hearing was held in Congress, where more than 40 public and private sectors in conflict were able to express themselves.
Many are asking: How to continue? Our path is clear: coordination for the struggle, unity with all those sectors willing to take a step forward in action, demands from the leaders who have the possibility to do so and do not do so, and political independence from all the employers’ projects for class conciliation.
New attacks, new fights
The second half of the year began with new attacks of companies and the Government. Layoffs in large companies such as FATE, Techint or Secco, in the Posadas Hospital, the INTI, the Memory sites and other state agencies, as well as attacks in the Subway. This, while the advance of persecution against social organizations continues, and the criminalization of each person or organization for the sole fact of demonstrating: 33 prisoners with trumped-up cases, after the repression in Congress on June 12.
The militant sectors and the left have been in the streets since December 20. We have carried out various days of struggle and participated in each action called by the trade unions, as an independent pole. We also held permanent meetings in recovered unions to promote common actions, in support of the struggles. On May 25, we held an important meeting Meeting of employed, unemployed and neighborhood assemblies in Plaza Congreso. In every place we criticised the attitude of the CGT (and the CTA) and raised the demand for a general strike. But we never waited with our arms crossed.
Consistent with that path, This Thursday the 11th we are promoting a Public Hearing against the layoffs in Congress. Participated around 20 deputies from the United Left Front, Union for the Homeland and the Socialist Party. The audience It was very representative of those who have been facing layoffs and attacks.: representatives of the Posadas Hospital, FATE and SUTNA, GPS-Aerolíneas Argentinas, Ferroviarios, Secco, SIAT-Techint, Textil.com occupied by its workers, Jumbo, SiPreBA, state agencies such as Trabajo, Sitios de la Memoria, INCAA, INTI, Mujer y diversidades, among others. More than 40 conflicts took the floor. They all agreed on the strength that they felt when seeing other sectors fighting, that they also want unity, that they want to be in the streets and they want to stop the adjustment.
Several deputies and union representatives from a sector of Peronism They promoted the hearing and denounced the situation, but they did not bring any concrete proposal to address it. Leaders of unions such as Bancarios and SMATA were there. They have been denouncing Milei’s policies but have not seriously confronted the truce imposed by the majority of the CGTThe protest against the Ley Bases is an example: they marched but without a strike and left at 3pm, leaving the way clear for subsequent provocation and repression of those of us who were demonstrating in Plaza Congreso. ATE He has also criticised the dismantling of the State but has not made any serious plan of struggle while there are thousands of layoffs.
From the PTS in the Left Front and our comrades from the classist groups from the MAC, as well as other left-wing comrades, insist on the importance of support the struggles and call for a new 36-hour national strike with mobilizationas part of a plan to fight until defeating the Milei plan.
It is that without the most wide unit of the working class, employed and unemployed, together with the aggrieved sectors, this plan cannot be defeated. A unity that cannot be for photos or speeches, but for mobilization and struggle. The great unity achieved by the freedom of political prisoners demonstrated that it is not only possible but necessary.
From the PTS We proposed to advance as quickly as possible in a large, united, broad march, called by all the unions and organizations that are demonstrating against the layoffs, demanding a general strike so that hundreds of thousands can participate. of workers and add their claims.
We know that we are not going to easily start that unit. That is why It is important to continue taking firm steps in the coordination of the combative sectors and the left.. Give new impetus to a space of permanent coordination that continues to call for actions: it is the way to add new sectors that emerge to the struggle, but also to give more strength to the fight to impose the union leaderships a real plan of struggle that will mobilise the full force of the working class to seriously confront the attacks of the government and its lackeys.
In each of these actions that can be carried out in common, we at the PTS in the Left Front maintain our own banners: There can only be a fundamental solution with a break with the IMF and a program that breaks with capitalism. That is what sets us apart from other callers to the audience.
While we support every conflict and share every space of solidarity, that is the path that we propose from the classist left.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com