The last right -wing Eurodiput Luis ‘Alvise’ Pérez has several pending appointments with several Supreme Court rooms. The judges are pending to decide whether they admit several criminal cases against him, including the accusation of illegally financing with 100,000 euros in cash from an entrepreneur, and also civil condemnations for defame, among other people, to Manuela Carmena. The leader of ‘The party is over’ announces that he will “burst to complaints” to whom they have informed of his cause while waiting to know if he will be accused of promoting the disturbances of Ferraz, threatening a judge of Seville or harassing one of Pedro Sánchez’s daughters.
Most of the causes awaiting Alvise come before the electoral career with promises such as building a giant prison for politicians, overcoming their salary or implanting forced labor. Judicial proceedings in courts of Madrid, Barcelona, León or Seville from its main activity as an ultra agitator: expose to political rivals, normally of the progressive spectrum, before their hundreds of thousands of followers, with bulos, private photos or veiled or explicit instigations to harassment against them.
His seat in the European Parliament makes him achor and the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court is responsible for examining all open causes or for opening against him. The oldest dates back to the first year of Pandemia, when the agitator spread on Twitter a false PCR test of Salvador Illa, then a candidate for the Catalan elections and already former Minister of Health. The objective was to imply, in a time of strong restrictions to control the coronavirus, that the politician did not comply with the sanitary regulations that were imposed on the rest of the citizens.
That cause, in which Alise himself already declared in the courts of Barcelona, has been returned by the Supreme to his original instructor to make a reasoned exhibition and do not let the instruction deadlines die: the case has been aware that Elon Musk’s company sends the necessary data to certify that the messages are theirs.
A good part of both civil and criminal causes that weigh on it, some already sentenced with a conviction, respond to that same pattern. Another of the proceedings waiting for the green light of the Supreme Court of a court in León, where the socialist deputy Luis Alfonso Cendón denounced the today Eurodiputa for defamed him and secure in his Telegram channel, before about 700,000 followers, which was related to the plot known as ‘Tito Berni’. The Prosecutor’s Office has asked to be charged.
This cause evidenced the difficulties that Spanish judges have to notify Alvise Pérez. The Civil Guard had to go to a rural house in Madrid – not more to jump the alarm that the Eurodiput had stayed there – to notify him the existence of these proceedings. Various sources explain to Eldiario.es that it is the usual strategy of the Ultra agitator: not be located for the courts and delay any notification.
Another case that expects a verdict of the Supreme has been processed by civil via: his condemnation to compensate with 5,000 euros to Manuela Carmena, former mayor of Madrid, for inventing himself in the worst of the pandemic that had received a private respirator at his home when that material was scarce in hospitals. “He voluntarily placed himself in the situation of incommunication,” reproached the audience of Madrid after describing how an attorney came to the door of his house, spoke with him and Alise refused to collect the communications of the court.
SALF financing
The Supreme Criminal Chamber has several causes pending admission against the MEP and the main one is an investigation around the supposedly illegal financing of its campaign for the latest European elections. As Eldiario.es revealed exclusively, one day before launching to the road to promote ‘the party is over’, Alvise passed through the offices of the company ‘Sentinel’ in Madrid and picked up 100,000 euros in cash.
The money was from Álvaro Romillo, entrepreneur of the cryptocurrency sector and the bankrupt ‘Madeira Invest Club’, and in the previous weeks Alvise and he had had conversations and even collaborated in an event. The then candidate had promised the businessman that, in case of exercising some power, he would legislate in his favor. The Prosecutor’s Office believes that there are sufficient indications to at least investigate whether that money was used to finance his campaign and if the agitator’s political adventure started with a crime.
The Eurodiputa came to recognize the facts: he charged the money and did not declare it to the Treasury, although he said they were a kind of payments “as an autonomous and without an invoice.” At present, and while waiting for the Supreme to take care of the case, he affirms that the European Parliament has issued an exculpatory report in his favor although in Spain, for now, they have not even formally opened proceedings against him in the competent body.
The Eurys of Extrema Right is also waiting to know if, as requested by a Court in Madrid, it is charged with promoting the alternate crowds on Ferraz Street near the headquarters of the PSOE. Some demonstrations in November 2023 in which Alvise came to lead a multitude of thousands of people he took to the immediate vicinity of the Congress and then announce that he left home “to dinner”.
Two other judicial cases come from the courts of Seville. A magistrate of the Andalusian capital accuses the Euro -squeak of having perpetrated several threats against her when, within the framework of a lawsuit filed by Rubén Sánchez (Facua), he ordered the police to locate the agitator and collaborator of Alise, Vito Quiles. The Salf leader slid that he would reveal information about alleged “bribes” if he did not rectify his decision and the judge put her words in the hands of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office.
Another judicial case was promoted by order of the Provincial Court of Seville: the criminal investigation against the agitator for disseminating the image of one of the daughters of the President of the Government, revealing his identity and facilitating that his Telegram followers knew the country where his studies were then attended. The judges also have pending the decision on assuming the investigation against him for revealing audios of the Kitchen case.
The emergence of Alvise in Spanish politics, not only with its three European seats but also in the surveys nationwide, has also resulted in a direct confrontation with Vox, the party with which it sympathized in the past and with which it now fights for the most right -wing basket of votes. The constant crosses of accusations among those of Santiago Abascal and Alvise have also ended in the Supreme of cryptocurrencies.
The judges endorse that in this case the usual strategy of Alvise serves to dodge the bench: he issued “suspicions, not imputations”, something insufficient to reach a crime of slander. The judges explain that their way of addressing the political rival are not “the way in which the political debate must be faced,” but they conclude that they are not so serious and concrete as to open a criminal process.
The cases that are processed by civil via, where it is exposed to fines and not to prison sentences, are not necessarily processed before the Supreme First Chamber, where the judges have already declared their sentence of 7,000 euros for defamed the journalist Ana Pastor. Recently, a court has forced him to compensate with 60,000 euros to former Minister José Luis Ábalos for spreading an image of the politician on the terrace of his house and implying that he suffers from mental health problems. The Spanish data protection agency also imposed a fine of 5,000 euros for disseminating a photo of the minor daughter of Minister Óscar Puente, one of his usual objectives, implying that he was his lover.
Source: www.eldiario.es