Between 7 and 9 in the morning this Thursday a major power outage affected several neighborhoods in the southern area of ​​the City of Buenos Aires and the Buenos Aires suburbs, according to Edesur the outage was due to “causes beyond the responsibility of the company” and highlighted that the problem occurred in the generation of energy and not in distribution.

The Ministry of Energy reported that the outages were not due to a peak in demand but due to an operational problem linked to energy generation that “affected 17 substations that supply the supply of the Edesur concession area.” The truth is that around 500,000 users They were affected by the lack of service.

This outage occurs within hours of the report released by the National Meteorological Service, where they report that the weather in the coming months will be temperatures above normal and rainfall below normal.

Faced with a summer where many power outages are expected, as government officials had already anticipated, through Resolution 294/2024 the Secretary of Energy launched a series of measures to alleviate the situation.

Among the most relevant actions provided for in the plan, it was established:

*Import of energy and power from neighboring countries.

*Additional and exceptional remuneration for thermal power plantsencouraging the availability of power during critical months.

*Strategic management of energy dispatchto reduce the risks of supply restrictions during peak consumption periods.

*In the sector transportregulatory mechanisms were implemented to encourage investments in the expansion of the transportation network. In turn, distribution companies must present a Contingency Assistance Program within a period of 15 days, to respond to possible interruptions in their concession areas.

*Demand management of Large Senior Userssuch as industries and businesses that consume more than 10 MW. The scheme is voluntary, programmed and remunerated, allowing large users to receive economic incentives in exchange for reducing their consumption at key times.

Among the main alarms that set off the measures adopted by the government are the lack of internal capacity to satisfy internal energy needs, and the dependence on the will of big businessmen so that they reduce their consumption during peak hours.


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