The Minister of Finance, Fernado Haddad, said that Brazil should have its rating as a good debt payer improved next year. This assessment is made by risk agencies such as S&P Global Ratings and Moody’s, with which Haddad and President Lula met this Monday (23).
The meeting took place in New York on an agenda parallel to that of the United Nations General Assembly in which the minister and Lula participate.
According to Haddad, the agencies do not make any changes to the note. This is to avoid speculation. But they also did not mention setbacks and highlighted Brazil’s advances.
For the minister, in relation to Congress, two measures
have not yet been noticed by the agencies. The parliamentary amendments within the Fiscal Framework and the issue of the Fiscal Responsibility Law, which also applies to all decisions taken by Congress.
Another point highlighted by Haddad was the improvement in the relationship with the Judiciary.
Haddad said that President Lula, before arriving in New York, wanted to know if it would be possible for Brazil to recover investment grade by the end of his term in 2026. In other words, to once again have the seal of good payer that the country lost in 2015. Lula believes that this would help attract more investors. With the current rating, the country is two steps away from investment grade. The minister told Lula that the situation could improve next year.
Haddad said he will also have a meeting with representatives from Fitch Ratings, during his visit to New York, in the United States.
Source: https://www.ocafezinho.com/2024/09/24/haddad-diz-que-brasil-deve-melhorar-nota-de-bom-pagador-de-divida/